In the dusty heat of twin-sunned Tatooine lives the wealthiest gangster in a hundred worlds, master of a vast crime empire and keeper of a vicious, flesh-eating monster for entertainment (and disposal of his enemies). Bloated and sinister, Jabba the Hutt might have made a good joke -- if...Read more

Sixteen stories from the most infamous cantina in the some of today's leading writers of science fiction.

In a far corner of the universe, on the small desert planet of Tatooine, there is a dark, nic-i-tain-filled cantina where you can down your favorite intoxicant while listening to...Read more

In a wild and battle-scarred galaxy, assassins, pirates, smugglers, and cutthroats of every description roam at will, fearing only the professional bounty hunters-amoral adventurers who track down the scum  of the universe...for a fee. When Darth Vader seeks to strike at the heart of the Rebellion by targeting Han Solo...Read more

In the remote reaches of the Star Wars Unive rse, an ancient and deadly power has been awakened by a fool ish and arrogant young Jedi. He will begin a quest to become a Dark Lord of Sith, and every galaxy will be threatened by his fearful power. '


by Kevin J. Anderson

Published 1 November 1995

Jedi Search

by Kevin J. Anderson

Published 1 February 1994

Champions of the Force

by Kevin J. Anderson

Published 1 September 1994

Dark Apprentice

by Kevin J. Anderson

Published 1 June 1994