Are you ready to plan your best lessons ever?

Planning Powerful Instruction is your go-to guide for transforming student outcomes through stellar instructional planning. Its seven-step framework-the EMPOWER model-gives you techniques proven to help students develop true insight and understanding. You'll have at your fingertips:

  • the real reasons why students engage-and what you must do to ensure they do
  • a framework to help you create, plan, and teach the most effective units and lessons in any subject area
  • more than 50 actionable strategies to incorporate right away
  • suggestions for tailoring units for a wide range of learners
  • downloadable, ready-to-go tools for planning and teaching

Leave instruction to the experts!

Uncommon Core
puts us on high-alert about some outright dangerous misunderstandings looming around so-called "standards-aligned" instruction, then shows us how to steer past them-all in service of meeting the real intent of the Common Core. It counters with teaching suggestions that are true to the research and true to our students, including how:

Reader-based approaches can complement text-based onesPrereading activities can help students meet the strategic and conceptual demands of texts Strategy instruction can result in a careful and critical analysis of text while providing transferable understandingsInquiry units around essential questions can generate meaningful conversation and higher-order thinking

Are you ready to plan your best lessons ever?

Planning Powerful Instruction is your go-to guide for transforming student outcomes through stellar instructional planning. Its seven-step framework-the EMPOWER model-gives you techniques proven to help students develop true insight and understanding. You'll have at your fingertips:

  • the real reasons why students engage-and what you must do to ensure they do
  • a framework to help you create, plan, and teach the most effective units and lessons in any subject area
  • more than 50 actionable strategies to incorporate right away
  • suggestions for tailoring units for a wide range of learners
  • downloadable, ready-to-go tools for planning and teaching