In the heat of battle you have a choice: Death or Glory . . .

Libya, 1942 - Rommel's Africa Korps is sweeping across the desert. Ragged Allied forces are being torn apart in brutal fire-fights on the scorched sands. A desperate message to the Prime Minister is entrusted to First Officer Madeleine Rose, WRNS. Her codename: Runefish.

When GHQ hears that Runefish's plane is lost behind enemy lines, they send for battle-hardened Sergeant Tom Caine. Caine is a first class soldier who nearly always does what he's told. He will lead a squad of specialist commandos into the heart of enemy territory and either rescue or execute Runefish. If he refuses to take this near-suicide mission he faces court martial. Now the outcome of the war depends on his following orders.

Death or glory beckon . . .

Part three in Death or Glory series, Highroad to Hell is Michael Asher's latest Second World War adventure. With Asher's insider knowledge of the SAS he brings to life the action of the battlefield in this fast-paced and compelling novel following Captain Tom Caine.

Tunisia 1943 - the Allies' advance is halted by determined Axis forces. The 8th Army has no choice but to outflank the enemy along their impenetrable Mareth line in the hellish Matmata hills.

On a mission to safeguard this movement, Captain Tom Caine's SAS patrol is diverted by a strange emergency signal that draws them to a derelict aircraft and a mysterious black box.

Besieged by a Nazi Death's Head unit intent on retrieving the box and betrayed by a comrade who steals it, Caine must make a choice. Should he pursue the stolen object or stick to his original task and face almost certain death? The entire campaign rests on his decision.

Michael Asher's third Death or Glory novel, Highroad to Hell, will have you gripped to the very last page.

Breathtaking bravery, astonishing feats of endurance, raids and battles described with terrific immediacy and pace. Compelling and definitive . . . will surely not be bettered - Sunday Telegraph

Detailed, scathingly honest. Asher has brought the critical eye of the knowledgeable insider to his in-depth study of SAS operations and personalities - Herald

Michael Asher has served in the Parachute Regiment and the SAS. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and has won the Ness Award of the Royal Geographical Society and the Mungo Park Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society for Exploration. The first two books in this series, The Last Commando and The Flaming Sword were also published by Penguin.

Egypt, October 1942

The battle for North Africa rages fiercely along the length of the Egyptian coast . . . Punching their way deep behind enemy lines, the newly formed SAS - under the enigmatic Lt Col David Stirling - carries out daring raids against the Germans.

Lt Tom Caine leads a small squad of SAS men on a desperate mission far into hostile territory. His brief: to sabotage a terrible weapon being secretly developed by the Nazis in the desolate Libyan hills . . . If he fails the Axis forces will almost certainly be unstoppable.

Caine faces the full force of the German military might, but what he doesn't know is that there is a traitor among his own men. Ultimately, his fate will rest in the hands of one woman, Special Ops agent Betty Nolan.

Only one thing is for certain in this war - who dares wins . . .

Code of Combat

by Michael Asher

Published 30 December 2014
More Death or Glory adventure as Tom Caine is captured by Nazis.

Italy, 1943 - SAS Captain Tom Caine is being held captive by Nazis forces. While imprisoned he befriends another member of the SAS - one who has heard a rumour.

The operative knows the location of an ancient codex. A codex he claims will lead them to the location of the original texts of Tacitus's Germania.

Caine is deployed by the Nazis to find the codex and retrieve the texts on a mission that will most certainly bring about his death, and refusal is not an option.

Caine has little choice but to begin his most deadly campaign yet.

The Death or Glory series is perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Andy McNab - Michael Asher combines seamless historical accuracy with the pace and action of a modern SAS thriller.

Praise for the Death or Glory series:

'Breathtaking bravery, astonishing feats of endurance, raids and battles described with terrific immediacy and pace. Compelling and definitive . . . will surely not be bettered' Sunday Telegraph

'Detailed, scathingly honest. Asher has brought the critical eye of the knowledgeable insider to his in-depth study of SAS operations and personalities' Herald

Michael Asher has served in the Parachute Regiment and the SAS. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and has won the Ness Award of the Royal Geographical Society and the Mungo Park Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society for Exploration.