Book 1

Loving Spirit

by Linda Chapman

Published 5 August 2010
Now Ellie's found him, she'll never let go...

Ellie has lost her parents, her home in New Zealand and everything she knows. Now she must live in England with family who are more like strangers.

Life on her Uncle Len's horse farm seems so lonely - until Ellie meets Spirit. She's never seen the grey horse before, but she has the strangest feeling they've always known each other.

Like Ellie, Spirit is alone in the world, and they form an intense bond. And as the weeks go by, Spirit helps Ellie to discover an incredible talent that changes both their lives forever.

Book 2


by Linda Chapman

Published 6 January 2011
Speak to me. I'm here. I'll listen.

Life is not as lonely as it once was on the farm where Ellie was sent to live after the loss of her parents. She has Joe and Luke, the boys on the farm who thrill her and confuse her in their own different ways. And she has Spirit - the beautiful grey horse with whom she shares the most incredible connection. They speak to each other; they trust each other.

Soon Ellie discovers she can connect with the other horses in the yard in the same amazing way - except for one.

Is she being distracted by life on the farm or this horse trying to tell her something she doesn't want to hear?

The second book in this stunning and emotional new series.

Book 3


by Linda Chapman

Published 4 August 2011
Ellie works really hard at the stables. Her only comforts are her beautiful horse, Spirit, and the friendship of her cousin Joe. When it looks like both might be taken away from her, will Ellie have the strength she needs to survive? And will her magical bond with Spirit be unbreakable - or not?

A beautifully tender story, that will enrapture girls with a passion for horses or a taste for romance.

Book 4


by Linda Chapman

Published 5 January 2012
Girls will love this story of fourteen-year-old Ellie and her horse Spirit. Even though Ellie and her beloved horse Spirit are no longer together, the special bond between them remains strong. Ellie still communicates with Spirit, but she's frantically busy with stable work and shows. She's also spending more time than usual with Luke, the handsome groom.

Ellie is struggling to fit everything in. When she fails to help a new horse who really needs her, she realizes that something has to give. It's time for Ellie to make the most difficult choice of her life . . .

The last in the Loving Spirit quartet. Visit for more about the author and the previous books in the series, Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit: Hopes and Loving Spirit: Dreams.