Early Homework
4 total works
Early Homework aims to make homework a positive learning experience, reinforcing core subjects (English, maths and science) and cross-curricular thinking skills, through enjoyable practice activities. Pull-out answers make marking quick and easy and give children the chance to evaluate their own progress. Book 2 supports the Primary National Strategy for literacy and mathematics and the National Curriculum for science at KS1, including: literacy - story sequencing/verbs/sentence construction/spelling/colour and number words/opposites, maths - using a number line/ordinal numbers (1st/2nd/3rd etc.)/addition & subtraction/money, science - parts of the body/the five senses/staying safe and healthy.
Early Homework aims to make homework a positive learning experience, reinforcing core subjects (English, maths and science) and cross-curricular thinking skills, through enjoyable practice activities. Pull-out answers make marking quick and easy and give children the chance to evaluate their own progress. Book 4 supports the Primary National Strategy for literacy and mathematics and the National Curriculum for science at KS1, including: literacy - reading comprehension/verbs and adverbs/rhyme/descriptive language, maths - using a hundred square/tens & units/vertical addition & subtraction of 2-digit numbers (with carrying & borrowing)/addition with one number hidden/rounding/multiples, science - electricity/forces and movement/light and sound/seasonal changes.
Early Homework aims to make homework a positive learning experience, reinforcing core subjects (English, maths and science) and cross-curricular thinking skills, through enjoyable practice activities. Pull-out answers make marking quick and easy and give children the chance to evaluate their own progress. Book 3 supports the Primary National Strategy for literacy and mathematics and the National Curriculum for science at KS1, including: literacy - reading comprehension/sentence construction/spelling/classification of words (word families)/who? what? when? where? questions, maths - addition & subtraction/number sequences/number facts/3-d shapes/using a number line/money and change/telling the time/tens & units, science - sorting objects/materials and their properties/changing materials (reversible and non-reversible processes)/colour mixing.
Early Homework aims to make homework a positive learning experience, reinforcing core subjects (English, maths and science) and cross-curricular thinking skills, through enjoyable practice activities. Pull-out answers make marking quick and easy and give children the chance to evaluate their own progress. Book 1 supports the Primary National Strategy for literacy and mathematics and the National Curriculum for science at KS1, including: literacy - letter sounds/story sequencing/matching pictures to captions/rhyming words, maths - numbers to 10/addition/money/sequences and patterns/2-D shapes, science - minibeasts/habitats/adaptation/plant growth and seed dispersal/labelling the parts of a flower.