Feeling Jealous

by Althea Braithwaite

Published 28 November 1997
Explores the nature of jealousy, how it differs from envy, where these feelings come from, and how to recognize and deal with them.

Everyone is different and no two people will look at the world in exactly the same way. Sometimes we may wish to hide our differences to avoid standing out. Some people react to difference by refusing to accept or even by being cruel to others. This book addresses these and other issues and suggests ways in which we can respect and celebrate everyone's uniqueness. It is one of a series in which difficult issues and emotions are treated seriously, but sympathetically and constructively. Colour pictures of children in relevant situations are included to make the books more immediate for the children who are reading them.

Being Friends

by Althea Braithwaite

Published 1 September 1998
Examines the nature and value of friendship and how it can have its ups and downs.

Feeling Angry

by Althea Braithwaite

Published 28 September 2001
Examines the nature, causes, and effects of anger and discusses how to deal with it.

Feeling Scared

by Althea Braithwaite

Published 28 November 1997
What makes us feel afraid? Why do we have frightening dreams? This title takes a look at various aspects of being frightened, and discusses why it might sometimes be important to feel scared. It is one of a series in which children talk about their feelings.

What makes us feel sad? What is the difference between sadness and depression? What can we do to help ourselves feel better? How can we help someone else who is feeling sad? This book addresses these and other issues and suggests ways in which we can learn to deal with them. It is one of a series in which difficult issues and emotions are treated seriously, but sympathetically and constructively. Colour pictures of children in relevant situations are included to make the books more immediate for the children who are reading them.

Feeling Shy

by Althea Braithwaite

Published 30 May 1997
Choices is a thought-provoking series that supports the Framework for PSHE and Citizenship at Key Stage 2. In each book, children talk about their emotions, and how they cope with difficult situations. The author was involved in extensive research with children and the text was built around their responses. Difficult emotions and issues are treated seriously, but sympathetically and constructively.

Feeling Angry

by "Althea"

Published 30 May 1997
This study tackles the subject of anger and how it makes us feel. Children talk about what makes them angry, how they feel then and what they do. The authors offer advice on how to calm down, say what needs to be said and how to make up. A double page spread of notes for parents and teachers includes suggestions on how they can help a child manage difficult situations. The book is suitable for Key Stage 2 children.

Telling the Truth

by "Althea"

Published 30 May 1997
Telling the truth is a difficult subject. Children discuss the issues: if lies and fibs are difficult, whether it is all right to tell lies to avoid hurting someone's feelings and why it is sometimes hard to tell the truth. A double page spread of notes for parents and teachers includes suggestions on how they can help a child manage difficult situations. The book is suitable for Key Stage 2 children.

Telling the Truth

by Althea Braithwaite

Published 1 September 1998
Choices is a thought-provoking series that supports the Framework for PSHE and Citizenship at Key Stage 2. In each book, children talk about their emotions, and how they cope with difficult situations. The author was involved in extensive research with children and the text was built around their responses. Difficult emotions and issues are treated seriously, but sympathetically and constructively.

Choices is a thought-provoking series that supports the Framework for PSHE and Citizenship at Key Stage 2. In each book, children talk about their emotions, and how they cope with difficult situations. The author was involved in extensive research with children and the text was built around their responses. Difficult emotions and issues are treated seriously, but sympathetically and constructively. In this book, children talk about how people are unique and how no two people see the world in exactly the same way. It suggests that being different can be a good thing.

Choices: Feeling Sad

by Althea Braithwaite

Published 30 August 2002
Choices is a thought-provoking series that supports the Framework for PSHE and Citizenship at Key Stage 2. In each book, children talk about their emotions, and how they cope with difficult situations. The author was involved in extensive research with children and the text was built around their responses. Difficult emotions and issues are treated seriously, but sympathetically and constructively. In this book, children talk about what makes them feel sad, how they cope with it, and how to help someone who is feeling the same way.

Being Friends

by "Althea"

Published 30 May 1997
What is being a friend? Children talk about the good things about being friends; whether they have lots of friends they like to do things with, or just one or two close friends; and when it's important to stick up for your friends. A double page spread of notes for parents and teachers includes suggestions on how they can help a child manage difficult situations. The book is suitable for Key Stage 2 children.