Book 1

Buried Magic

by TJ Green

Published 15 December 2018

Avery, a witch who lives on the Cornish coast, finds her past holds more secrets than she ever imagined in this spellbinding occult mystery.

For years witches have lived in White Haven, all with an age-old connection to the town and its magical roots, but Avery has always been reluctant to form a coven, preferring to work alone.

When she finds clues hinting at the mysterious past of her hometown, Avery realises she must team up with the other witches to uncover the truth.

But their investigations bring danger. Someone wants the past to remain buried, and they’re willing to unleash powerful magic to do it.

If you love witches, magic, myths, and mystery, you’ll love this fast-paced series starter.

Book 2

Magic Unbound

by TJ Green

Published 8 February 2019

As the secrets of White Haven are uncovered, the witches are in more danger than ever.

Avery and the other witches are now being hunted, and they know someone is betraying them.

The question is, who?

Not only do they have to defend themselves against the powerful Favershams, but they also have the mysterious DI Newton to contend with.

And of course, Avery also has to battle her increasing attraction to the dangerously seductive Alex.

One thing is certain.

They have to find their missing grimoires before their attackers do, and they have to strike back.

If you love urban fantasy, filled with magic and a twist of romance, you'll love Magic Unbound.

Book 3

Magic Unleashed

by TJ Green

Published 30 May 2019

Unknown entities and the Daughters of Llyr. Trouble’s coming to White Haven.

Avery and the White Haven witches have finally found their grimoires and defeated the Favershams, but their troubles are only just beginning.

Something escaped from the spirit world when they battled beneath All Souls Church, and now it wants to stay, unleashing violence across Cornwall.

On top of that, the magic they released when they broke the binding spell is attracting powerful creatures from the deep, creatures that need men to survive.

And then there’s the Witches Council. Thirteen covens spread across Cornwall, and not all of them welcome the White Haven witches.

Avery, Alex and the others find themselves fighting to save White Haven, their friends, and their lives.

Book 4

All Hallows' Magic

by TJ Green

Published 27 October 2019

As Samhain approaches, worlds collide.

A Shifter family arrives in White Haven, one of them close to death. Avery offers them sanctuary, only to find their pursuers are close behind, intent on retribution. In an effort to help them, Avery and Alex are dragged into a fight they didn’t want but must see through.

As if that weren't enough trouble, strange signs begin to appear at Old Haven Church. Avery realises that an unknown witch has wicked plans for Samhain, and is determined to breach the veils between worlds.

Avery and her friends scramble to discover who the mysterious newcomer is, all while being attacked one by one.

This battle just got personal.

When their enemy, Caspian Faversham, offers to help, they must decide if they can trust him.

But if they’re to survive, they don’t have a choice.

Everything is changing, and Avery has to negotiate where her future lies, while desperately fighting to even have one.

One thing is clear. Old friends and new are needed to save White Haven from its biggest threat yet.

Book 5

Undying Magic

by TJ Green

Published 27 February 2020

Winter grips White Haven, bringing death in its wake.

It’s close to the winter solstice when Newton reports that dead bodies have been found drained of their blood.

Then people start disappearing, and Genevieve calls a coven meeting. What they hear chills their blood.

This has happened before, and it’s going to get worse. The witches have to face their toughest challenge yet – vampires.

At the same time, Ben and the paranormal investigators are investigating the House of Spirits, a house with links to the occult that once belonged to the mysterious medium Madame Charron. Chillingly, the new owners seem to have secrets of their own.

As they start to investigate, Avery realises that the House of Spirits and the deaths and disappearances are linked. The house hides more secrets than they ever expected.

As the body count rises, they scramble to stop the attacks, while trying to save the people they love.

The stakes are raised - in more ways than one.

White Haven has never been more deadly.

Book 6

Crossroads Magic

by TJ Green

Published 19 June 2020

When myths become real, danger stalks White Haven.

The Crossroads Circus has a reputation for bringing myths to life, but it also seems that where the circus goes, death follows. When the circus sets up on the castle grounds, Newton asks Avery and the witches to investigate.

This proves trickier than they expected when an unexpected encounter finds Avery bound to a power she can’t control.

Strange magic is making the myths a little too real.

As Avery grows weaker, and with time running out, Caspian is only too willing to help, and although Alex hates relying on him, he’ll do anything to save Avery.

Shadow has her own agenda. When a mysterious stranger comes to town with a proposition, will she betray them when they need her most?

The witches might stand a chance, if they can get the Raven King and Green Man on their side.

Without them they’ll lose everything - and Avery will lose her life.

Book 7

Crown of Magic

by TJ Green

Published 15 February 2021

Passions run deep at Beltane - too deep.

With the Beltane Festival approaching, the preparations in White Haven are in full swing, but when emotions soar out of control, the witches suspect more than just high spirits.

As part of the celebrations, a local theatre group is rehearsing Tristan and Iseult, but it seems Beltane magic is affecting the cast, and all sorts of old myths are brought to the surface.

The May Queen brings desire, fertility, and the promise of renewal, but love can also be dark and dangerous.

Avery finds that her emotions are vulnerable to the primal magic that courses through the town, as are the other witches, and suddenly relationships are under pressure as they have never been before.

When the Beltane fires burn, will White Haven burn with it?

Book 8

Vengeful Magic

by TJ Green

Published 21 May 2024

Book 9

Chaos Magic

by TJ Green

Published 21 February 2022

Book 10

Stormcrossed Magic

by TJ Green

Published 23 August 2022

Book 11

Wyrd Magic

by TJ Green

Published 20 February 2023

Book 12

Midwinter Magic

by TJ Green

Published 29 October 2023

Books 1-3

White Haven Witches

by TJ Green

Published 7 November 2019

Books 4-6

White Haven Winter

by TJ Green

Published 5 October 2020

When winter arrives, myths become all too real in White Haven.

Books 4 - 6 of the White Haven Witches series in one binge-reading volume!

If you love magic and witches, you’ll love the mysteries of Samhain, the horror of vampires, and the earthy wonder of the Green Man and the Raven King!

All Hallows' Magic, Undying Magic, and Crossroads Magic.