Key Management Ratios

by Ciaran Walsh

Published March 1993
"Understand and manage the ratios that count." Key management ratios are derived from relationships that exist between the most important financial parameters in your business. While each measure in itself is simple to calculate, comprehension lies not in how to do the calculations but in understanding what the answers mean. This best-selling guide explains with great clarity how every key ratio works, and what every manager needs to know about interpreting and manging the outcomes. Throughout the book, Ciaran Walsh introduces a unique visual approach to exploring these financial essentials - from performace to cash flow - in a way that brings them to life for busy managers. A popular classic with managers everywhere, "Key Management Ratios "is a great way to ensure that you are "close to your business" and a catalyst to greater financial awareness throughout the organisation. "Thank God for Ciran Walsh's Key Management Ratios" "Business Age