"Britain in the 20th Century" is part of the Longman History project. This section contains four titles: "People at Work"; "People and Politics"; "A Caring People"; and "A Changing Nation". Each of these is available as a separate title. The Longman History Project has been written and designed to meet the requirements of the Key Stage 4 syllabuses for London examinations (ULEAC). The colourfully-illustrated books include comprehensive support material for teachers and a clear format, making it easy for both students and teachers to use. It is suitable for all levels of ability. "A Changing Nation" covers national and cultural identities in the UK.

Germany 1918-45

by Josh Brooman

Published May 1996
This text shows how an advanced system of democracy was established on the ruins of a defeated Germany in 1918-19 and how it survived repreated crises during the 1920s, before being supplanted by the dictatorship of Hitler and the Nazi Party after 1933. The text is suitable for the London Examinations Syllabus E Depth Study, MEG Syllabus 1608 Depth Study, all Modern World syllabus options on Germany between the wars, as well as SHP depth studies on Germany 1918-1945.

Longman History Project is specifically designed for Key Stage 4 students at all levels of ability. The books are illustrated in full colour and there is support material for teachers.