Book 1

Sent to face a giant, fire-breathing dragon by the evil Count, things are getting heated for Lily Quench, but though Lily is from a long line of dragon slayers, Queen Dragon doesn't turn out to be the girl-eating monster she expected. In fact, they soon team up to save...Read more

Book 2

Lily Quench and her friend Queen Dragon trek to the treacherous Black Mountains to find the rare blue lily, the necessary ingredient for a potion to help protect the kingdom of Ashby from the Black Count and his armies.

Book 3

'Oh your Majesty!' Queen Dragon hiccupped, and Lionel was almost blown out of bed. 'Your Majesty, wake up! It's Lily. She's disappeared!' Lily Quench is sleeping peacefully in her hammock under the stars when suddenly she is tipped out, bundled up and thrown down a big black hole! She...Read more

Book 4

In the fabled, magical library of Skellig Lir, Lily Quench hopes to discover a way of closing all Eyestones magic stones that her enemies plan to use to travel through time and invade Lily's home! On the quest to find the library, Queen Dragon gets trapped on the island...Read more

Book 5

On a scouting mission, Queen Dragon and Lily get accidentally sucked through a magic eyestone and Lily is transported to a land of pyramids but Queen Dragon has disappeared! Lily is found by three evil magicians who hold her captive in one of their pyramids. One evening she slips...Read more

Book 6

Book 7