"Well-behaved women seldom make history." —Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Many awe-inspiring women have changed the course of history. From fighting for social justice and women's rights to discovering and shaping our amazing country, women have left an indelible mark on our past, present, and future. But it's not easy to affect change, and these women didn't always play by the rules to make a difference! Kathleen Krull blends history and humor in this accessible young biography series.

Dolley Madison had a strong will and unique personality that made her one of the most memorable First Ladies. From hosting parties for Washington D.C.'s social and political elite to saving a portrait of George Washington before the British burned down the White House in the War of 1812, Dolley did it all!

Well-behaved women seldom make history. -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Many awe-inspiring women have changed the course of history. From fighting for social justice and women's rights to discovering and shaping our amazing country, women have left an indelible mark on our past, present, and future. But it's not easy to affect change, and these women didn't always play by the rules to make a difference! Kathleen Krull blends history and humor in this accessible young biography series.

Judy Blume wrote her way through controversy and censorship to become a pioneer who helped make it okay for kids and teens to discuss their everyday concerns, including the kinds of things people don't always like to talk about. Now more than forty years into her career of writing frank and funny books, Judy still has the amazing ability to connect with young readers and adults.

Sonia Sotomayor's path, from growing up in the projects to success in Ivy League universities to her rise in the legal profession is a true testament to the American dream. She broke the rules women were supposed to follow in her life and career, ultimately becoming the first Latino justice to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, and the third woman to serve the Court. Her determined spirit and achievements make her a role model and an inspiration.

"Sacajawea was only sixteen when she made one of the most remarkable journeys in American history. She traveled over four thousand miles by foot, canoe, and horse-all while carrying a baby on her back! Without her, the Lewis and Clark expedition might have failed. Two hundred years later, we still can see how her unique journey demonstrated the strength and value of women"--

"Well-behaved women seldom make history."--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Many awe-inspiring women have changed the course of history. From social justice to women's rights to discovering and shaping our amazing country, there's nothing women haven't left their mark on. But it's not easy to affect change, and these women didn't always play by the rules to make a difference! Kathleen Krull blends history and humor in this accessible young biography series.

Mary Todd Lincoln had a unique and determined, if sometimes erratic, personality that made her one of the most memorable First Ladies. Although she was born and raised in the South, she staunchly supported her husband's quest to save the Union and she strictly supported his policies. She was also an advocate for our veterans, and she would often bring flowers and food to wounded soldiers in the hospital and even write letters for them to their loved ones. No matter what criticism or personal hardships she faced, including witnessing her husband's assassination, she remained steadfastly loyal to her country.

"Well-behaved women seldom make history."--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Many awe-inspiring women have changed the course of history. From social justice to women's rights to discovering and shaping our amazing country, there's nothing women haven't left their mark on. But it's not easy to affect change, and these women didn't always play by the rules to make a difference! Kathleen Krull blends history and humor in this accessible young biography series.

Coretta Scott King was an American civil rights activist and the wife of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. But she established a distinguished career in activism in her own right, taking part in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and worked to pass the Civil Rights Act. After King's death, she founded the Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta and remained dedicated to fighting for civil rights.