This Bible study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can benefit from personally or as part of a small group. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study.

As Kay explains, "Rather than simply reading or listening to what others say about a subject, you are going to see for yourself what God says about it."Join one of the world’s most respected Bible teachers in a study that will revolutionize your thinking--and your life.

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to have a meaningful and authentic relationship with God--one that really works in the day-in-day-out circumstances of your life?
This powerful inductive study will help you discover for yourself how such a rewarding relationship with God is possible. Kay Arthur opens the Bible to show you the way to salvation, with a special focus on where you stand with God, how your sin keeps us from knowing him, and how Christ bridged the chasm between humanity and God.

Begin your journey to genuine faith. Let Kay Arthur show you the way!

How to make choices now that you won’t regret later.

You may be wondering how you ended up where you are, whether your life would have been better if you had made different decisions along the way. Or maybe your current situation is great, but you’re facing some difficult choices. God wants to help you.

Every day you and I are faced with innumerable decisions, some of which have the potential to change the course of our lives forever. Certain avenues open to us are marked with hidden pitfalls or lead in harmful directions. And in some instances the wrong choice can even bring death.

Where do you go for direction? What do you do when faced with temptation? How do you decide what choices to make? This study answers those questions by exploring the role of Scripture and the Holy Spirit in the process, as well as examining the decision-making of people such as David, Josiah, Eve, and Jesus. As a result, my friend, I pray you will be equipped to make choices that bring honor to God and peace to your heart.
--Kay Arthur

The 40-Minute Bible Studies tackle vital issues in short, easy-to-grasp lessons for personal or group use–with no homework required.

When painful or frustrating circumstances invade your life, it’s easy to wonder why. Why does life so often seem unfair? Why doesn’t our all-powerful God stop the pain and suffering–not just for you–but for all His children

The truth is, we live in a fallen world filled with fallen people, and we cannot escape hardship and pain. Somehow difficult times are a part of God’s plan and they serve His purposes.

In this six week study you’ll examine what the Bible says about suffering and why God allows it. Through the stories of many who persevered through times of testing, you’ll discover how to find joy even when life seems unfair. You’ll learn how to handle loss while glorifying God in the midst of your pain. And you’ll find the peace that comes from trusting in the One whose strength is made perfect in your weakness.

Money and Possessions

by Kay Arthur and David Arthur

Published 17 February 2004
In these days of economic uncertainty, and in a society that values financial security, money is an emotional topic. Appearances and lifestyle matter to us. And money–or the lack of it–often determines whether or not were content. The truth is, our attitudes toward money and possessions reflect the quality of our relationship with God. And, according to the Scriptures, our view of money reveals where our true affections lie.

Prosperity is not a sin, but it does bring responsibilities. And scarcity is not a virtue, particularly when it distracts us from the things that truly matter.

In this six-week study you will discover God’s view of material wealth. As you dig into the Scriptures, you’ll learn where money comes from, you’ll see how we’re supposed to handle it, and you’ll understand how to live an abundant life, regardless of your financial circumstances.

The Making of a Leader–God’s Way

God calls every one of His people to positions of leadership and influence–in our homes, communities, churches, and ultimately the world. But true leadership involves more than simply being the person out front; it means living a life worth following.

In this study of four important leaders of Israel–Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David–you’ll explore key leadership principles, including how to make wise decisions under pressure, deal effectively with mistakes, and set a course that others will follow. Most important, you’ll learn what God expects of you–and how you can rise to the call of effective leadership.

Why wonder or worry about the future?
God has given you a sneak preview.

With all that’s transpiring in the world, people can’t help but wonder what the future holds. Will there ever be peace on earth? How long will the world live under the threat of terrorism? Is a one-world ruler on the horizon?

God has already provided answers to these questions in the book of Daniel, which sets forth His blueprints for the future. In fact, when you understand the prophecies Daniel reveals, every other prophecy in the Bible will fit somewhere in the plan.

If you want to understand the future, if you want to know what will happen in the “end of days,” you need to begin with the prophecies of the Book of Daniel. Join me on this glorious adventure into the future.
--Kay Arthur

The 40-Minute Bible Studies tackle vital issues in short, easy-to-grasp lessons for personal or group use–with no homework required.

Are you ready for battle?
Whether you realize it or not, you live in the midst of spiritual combat. Your enemy, the devil, is dangerous, destructive, and determined to keep you from effectively serving God. In order to defend yourself against his attacks, you need to know how the enemy operates.
Through this six-week study you will gain a thorough knowledge of the enemy’s tactics and schemes. As you discover the truth about Satan—including the limits of his power—you will be equipped to stand firm against his attacks and to develop a strategy for living daily in victory.
40 minutes a week could change your life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

Being a Disciple

by Kay Arthur, Tom Hart, and Jane Hart

Published 24 July 2001
This brand new Bible study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can benefit from personally or as part of a small group. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. As Kay explains, "Rather than simply reading or listening to what others say about a subject, you are going to see for yourself what God says about it." Join one of the world’s most respected Bible teachers in a study that will revolutionize your thinking--and your life.

What is the difference between a true follower of Jesus Christ and others who merely call themselves "Christian"? Kay Arthur and Tom and Jane Hart point the way to clear answers in this instructive study of what Jesus had to say about the subject.
Through these eye-opening inductive studies of passages from the Gospels, you can better understand the distinctive marks of a disciple of Christ and how to make sure they are true of your own life.
Join Kay Arthur in exploring what it means to count the cost, deny yourself, and follow Christ.

Can You Know for Certain God Hears Your Prayers?

Do you sometimes wonder if God hears–let alone answers–your prayers? Do you ask yourself, What’s the point of praying? Do you long to experience the power of prayer in your daily life?
Find the keys to an effective prayer life in this compelling study that explores both God’s expectations of you and His promises to you when it comes to prayer. Through a detailed examination of the Lord’s Prayer and other examples of prayer throughout the Bible, you’ll discover a model for talking with God. You’ll also learn key principles of prayer and gain a deeper understanding of how prayer can draw you closer to His heart.

This brand new Bible study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can benefit from personally or as part of a small group. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. As Kay explains, "Rather than simply reading or listening to what others say about a subject, you are going to see for yourself what God says about it." Join one of the world’s most respected Bible teachers in a study that will revolutionize your thinking--and your life.

The key to lasting peace, confidence, and joy in the Christian life is knowing for sure who you are and Whose you are. This step-by-step walk through 1 John can help you discover whether or not you are a true child of God.
By taking note of the way the Bible describes the differences between God's children and those of Satan, you can gain clearer insight into where you stand with God. Through this study you will see how your lifestyle will reflect the character of the One to whom you belong.
Dig into the Apostle John's first letter with Kay Arthur and David and B.J. Lawson. And discover what it means to walk in the light instead of darkness.

What Are Spiritual Gifts?
The subject of spiritual gifts can seem complicated: Who has spiritual gifts--""spiritual people" or everybody? What are spiritual gifts anyway?

Understanding Spiritual Gifts takes you straight to God's Word to discover answers from the Gift-Giver Himself. As you dig into Bible passages about God's design for each of us, you'll find out that spiritual gifts aren't complicated--but they are life-changing.

Here you will uncover what spiritual gifts are, where they come from, who has them, how they are received, and how they work within the church. As you study, you will have a new vision for how you can use your God-given gifts to bring hope to your home, your church, and a hurting world.

40 Minutes a Week Could Change Your Life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precept Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minute lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s notes and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

Unleash the Healing Power of Forgiveness

As imperfect people living in an imperfect world, we eventually confront in nearly every relationship the need to extend or receive forgiveness. But when the wounds run deep, forgiveness doesn’t come easy.

This eye-opening study deals with the difficult questions of forgiveness, including How can I forgive when the pain is so great? Does forgiving mean I have to forget the past? and What if I choose not to forgive? As you dig into what the Bible says on this vital topic, you’ll encounter the depths of God’s own mercy and discover how choosing forgiveness can free you from a painful past and propel you toward being all that God intends you to be.

Living Like you Belong to God

by Kay Arthur

Published 1 January 2009

Can Other See That You Belong to God?

God calls us to a life of joy, obedience, and trust. He calls us to be different from those around us. He calls us to be holy.

In this rich study, you will discover that holiness is not an arbitrary standard within today's church or an unreachable goal of sinless perfection. Holiness is about pleasing God--living in such a way that it's clear you belong to Him. Holiness is what makes you unique as a believer in Jesus Christ.

Come explore the beauty of holy living and see why true holiness and true happiness always go together.

This Bible study series from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackles important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can benefit from personally or as part of a small group. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. As Kay explains, "Rather than simply reading or listening to what others say about a subject, you are going to see for yourself what God says about it." Join one of the world’s most respected Bible teachers in a study that will revolutionize your thinking--and your life.

You are surrounded by a world that’s watching you, waiting to see if what you say is true--if you really believe what you say and “walk the walk you talk." That thought may seem overwhelming, even intimidating. But Kay Arthur is ready to guide you into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. This study of vital passages from Ephesians will help you discover what God says about the lifestyle of a true believer. And it will equip you to live in a manner worthy of your calling--with the ultimate goal of developing a life marked by maturity, Christlikeness, and peace.

Get started on an authentic walk with God that matches your talk. Kay Arthur will show you the way.

What Does the Bible Say About Sex?

by Kay Arthur and BJ Lawson

Published 16 September 2008
Does God really care about your sex life?

In a culture saturated with sex, many find it hard to believe the Creator of the universe cares about this facet of their lives. Others are confused about where to draw the line to avoid going “too far.”

Married or single, you need to know what God says about sex. After all, He’s the one who designed this priceless gift and set clear boundaries to protect it. This candid study will help you weigh the messages of our culture against the truth of God’s Word. As you learn about the Designer’s original intent for sex, you’ll gain valuable insights to guide your daily choices.

The Power of Knowing God

by Kay Arthur and David Lawson

Published 10 July 2012
Do you really know God?
You may know about God, but do you truly know what He says about Himself—and what He wants from you?
This eye-opening study will help you gain a true understanding of God’s character and His ways. As you discover for yourself who He is, you’ll be drawn into a deeper, more personal relationship with the God of the universe—a relationship that will enable you to confidently display His strength in life’s most challenging circumstances.

40 minutes a week could change your life!
The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion.

Key Principles of Biblical Fasting

by Kay Arthur

Published 16 September 2008
Discover the Purpose and Power of Fasting

Do you desire to feel His presence, hear His voice, sense His pleasure?

Since ancient times, fasting has been considered an essential means of drawing near to God. But this spiritual discipline involves much more than abstaining from food; it goes right to the heart of genuine faith. Through this invigorating study, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the principles behind this practice and be equipped to make fasting a key part of your relationship with God.

A Blueprint for Building a Love that Lasts

Marriage begins with visions of eternal love, hope, and happiness. Yet, even among Christians, hope too quickly fades. The happiness dims. And love seems too hard to sustain.

It doesn’t have to be that way. God designed marriage to be a satisfying, fulfilling relationship, and He created men and women so that they–together, and as one flesh–could reflect His love for the world. Marriage, when lived out as God intended, makes us complete, it brings us joy, and gives our lives fresh meaning.

In this study, you’ll examine God’s design for marriage, and you’ll learn, from the Designer’s perspective, what it means to be a godly husband or wife. You’ll discover biblical wisdom for pursuing harmony in difficult areas such as finances, communication, and respect for each other’s roles. Most important, you’ll learn the principles you need to build a love that lasts.

Loving God and Others

by Kay Arthur, David Lawson, and BJ Lawson

Published 22 December 2009
What Does God Really Want from You?
It’s easy to get confused about how to please God. One Bible teacher details a long list of the commands you should be keeping. The next teacher says only grace matters. Who is right?
Centuries ago, in answer to this question, Jesus simplified all the rules and regulations of the Law into just two great commands: love God and love people.
Loving God and Others looks at how these two commands define the heart of Christian faith. As you rest in the certain knowledge of what God calls you to, you will be challenged to live these commands out—and discover how obeying Jesus’ simple commands will transform not only your life but also the lives of those around you.

Christian men are in the midst of a life-long process. They’re being transformed by the renewing of their minds, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, they’re crucifying the sinful nature with its passions and desires.

But the world, the flesh, and the devil go to great lengths to thwart the process. Our culture is obsessed with sex. Pornography, declining morals, pervasive visual stimulation, rampant divorce, and epidemic adultery. They all reflect ungodly passions. And inflame impure thoughts.

In this six-week study you’ll learn that God has provided everything you need to resist temptation. Through the examples of men in Scripture–those who fell into sin and those who stood firm–you’ll find hope for controlling your passions. You’ ll learn how to choose the path of purity. And you’ll find assurance that through the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, you can escape the corruption of this world and one day stand before God blameless and pure.