Book 1

Armies of Germany

by Warlord Games

Published 20 November 2012
This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of Germany. Detailed army lists allow players to construct German armies for any theatre and any year of the war, including the early campaigns in Poland and France, the dusty tank...Read more

Book 3

Armies of Great Britain

by Warlord Games

Published 20 March 2013
With this latest supplement for Bolt Action, players can now build an army for Great Britain and the Commonwealth. From early campaigns in Europe to the deserts of North Africa and the jungles of the Far East, British forces faced the Axis threat. The army lists presented here have...Read more

Book 5

Following the assault on Pearl Harbor, the Imperial Japanese military saw action across Asia, from the capture and defence of the islands of the Pacific to the occupation of territory in China and Burma. With this latest supplement for Bolt Action, players have all the information they need to...Read more

Book 8

Tank War

by Warlord Games

Published 20 September 2014
Tank War, the new supplement for Bolt Action, gives players the option to expand their games to a whole new level - armoured warfare. Recreate such great engagements as the battle of Kursk with the scenarios, army options and special rules found in this book. Whether you want to...Read more

Book 19

Campaign: New Guinea

by Warlord Games

Published 24 August 2017
In 1942, Japanese forces invaded the island of New Guinea and started a bitter, three-year campaign against allied Australian and American forces. Fought in dense jungles and across rugged mountaintops, the grueling fight pushed men to their very limits and forced commanders to adopt new strategies and tactics for...Read more

Book 26

Campaign: The Western Desert

by Warlord Games

Published 20 September 2018
One of the most popular and enduring campaigns of World War II is that of the Western Desert, where Allied armies beat back the hard-pressed German and Italian forces under the gruelling African sun. Covering crucial operations such as Crusader, Lightfoot, and Supercharge, and the great battles of Tobruk,...Read more

Book 29


by Warlord Games

Published 22 August 2019
Beginning in 1950, the Korean War was a defining moment for the UN and the entirety of the early Cold War, widening the already monumental gulf between the east and west, capitalist and communist. This supplement for Bolt Action expands the rules-set from its World War II roots to...Read more

Book 34

Campaign: D-Day: Overlord

by Warlord Games

Published 27 June 2019
From the scaling of Pointe-du-Hoc and the assault on Pegasus Bridge, to the landings on the Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches, this new Campaign Book for Bolt Action allows players to take command of the Allied Forces or those of the defending Axis. Featuring new linked scenarios,...Read more

Book 35

Campaign: Stalingrad

by Warlord Games

Published 30 April 2020
One of the most infamous and decisive battles of the Second World War, Stalingrad was a turning point of the Eastern Front, showing that the German juggernaut was not invincible. This Campaign Book for Bolt Action allows players to refight the fierce Battle of Stalingrad, from the actions of...Read more

Campaign: Battle of France

by Warlord Games

Published 29 November 2018
The Battle of France saw German forces sweep across the Low Countries and towards Paris, crushing Allied resistance in just six weeks. From Fall Gelb and the British withdrawal from Dunkirk to the decisive Fall Rot, this new supplement for Bolt Action allows players to take command of the...Read more

Campaign: Sea Lion

by Warlord Games

Published 18 May 2017
The year is 1940, and the German invasion of Britain has begun. With this new campaign book for Bolt Action, players can fight the battles of World War II's greatest 'what if' scenario. Defend the cliffs of Dover and the beaches of Kent from wave after wave of German...Read more

Campaign: Market Garden

by Warlord Games

Published 22 February 2018
Market Garden was a bold plan, designed to capture the Rhine crossings along the Dutch-German border and establish a foothold for an advance into Germany. A massive combined arms operation involving airborne landings and an armoured thrust, it was one of the most dramatic and controversial operations of the...Read more

World War II Wargames Rules

by Warlord Games

Published 20 September 2012
Written by veteran game designers Alessio Cavatore and Rick Priestley, Bolt Action provides all the rules needed to bring the great battles of World War II to your tabletop. Using miniature soldiers, tanks and terrain, you can fight battles in the shattered towns of occupied France, the barren deserts...Read more

Delving deeper into the weird world of Konflikt '47, this supplement presents a range of new material for the game, including:

- New units: Options for troops and technology that can be added to the armies presented in the rulebook.
- Special characters: Field the best of the...Read more

Campaign: The Road to Berlin

by Warlord Games

Published 30 November 2017
As the Allies advance towards Germany, they face dogged resistance from the hard-pressed German forces. Take command of the Allies in their final push to end the war in Europe, or hold fast as the German defenders as the fight is brought to your door. This new Campaign Book...Read more

Konflikt '47

by Warlord Games and Clockwork Goblin

Published 25 August 2016

Atomic testing at Los Alamos opens a rift in the fabric of space, while the detonation of the Fat Boy atomic bomb over Dresden creates a second. German and American scientists determine that signals are being transmitted through the rifts, many indecipherable, but some containing revolutionary scientific...Read more

Campaign: Fortress Budapest

by Warlord Games

Published 21 March 2019
As the Soviet Red Army marches westward, the city of Budapest stands in their way. Encircled and severely outnumbered, the German and Hungarian forces attempt to resist the Soviet juggernaut and defend Festung Budapest to the last. This book brings the siege of Budapest to the table-top with in-depth...Read more

The first supplement for the Konflikt '47 Weird World War II wargames rules, this volume presents a range of new material for the game, including:

- New army list: The Japanese make their presence known on the battlefields of Konflikt '47.
- New units: Options for troops and...Read more

Armies of France and the Allies

by Warlord Games

Published 20 September 2013
World War II was truly a 'world' war, and many nations joined the fight against Germany and the Axis. This latest supplement for Bolt Action covers the armies of France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium that stood against the German Blitzkrieg, as well as the resistance forces...Read more

Armies of Italy and the Axis

by Warlord Games

Published 20 November 2013
While many nations flocked to the side of the Allies, others joined forces with Germany as part of the Axis. This volume is the definitive guide to the armies of Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Finland. Fight the Winter War against the Soviets, hold back the British in North...Read more