Book 7

Times change...Romana is approaching her final term of office, and hopes to leave her world in a state of peace and harmony. Narvin is concerned about the implementation of a controversial Precog programme, one that seeks to predict the Time Lords future. Ace is an operative for the Celestial...Read more

Book 18

The Stones of Venice

by Paul Magrs

Published 30 March 2001

Book 37

The Nightmare of Black Island

by Mike Tucker

Published 21 September 2006

On a lonely stretch of Welsh coastline a fisherman is killed by a hideous creature from beneath the waves. When the Doctor and Rose arrive, they discover a village where the children are plagued by nightmares, and the nights are ruled by monsters. The villagers suspect that ancient industrialist...

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Book 50

Snowglobe 7

by Mike Tucker

Published 10 April 2008
Earth, 2099. Global warming is devastating the climate. The polar ice caps are melting. In a desperate attempt at preservation, the governments of the world have removed vast sections of the Arctic and Antarctic and set them inside huge domes across the world. The Doctor and Martha arrive in...Read more

Book 67

Night of the Humans

by David Llewellyn

Published 22 April 2010

'This is the Gyre - the most hostile environment in the galaxy...'

250,000 years' worth of junk floating in deep space, home to the shipwrecked Sittuun, the carnivorous Sollogs, and worst of all - the Humans. The Doctor and Amy arrive on this terrifying world in the middle of...

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Book 97

The Wishing Beast

by Paul Magrs

Published 31 July 2007
What can it mean when the Doctor and Mel are drawn to an asteroid by a message from the strange Applewhite sisters? The travellers are promised their dearest wishes, but only the ghosts know the true nature of the legendary Wishing Beast.

Book 110

The Boy That Time Forgot

by Paul Magrs

Published 31 July 2008
The Doctor and Nyssa find themselves transported from Victorian London back to the dawn of time, where they must brave primitive jungles and battle ravening insects as they travel to the city of the giant scorpions, ruled over by The Boy That Time Forgot.

Book 173

The Lady of Mercia

by Paul Magrs

Published 31 May 2013

A spine-chilling new collection of twelve illustrated adventures, packed with terrifying Doctor Who monsters and villains, just in time for Halloween . . .

Written by Jacqueline Rayner, Mike Tucker, Paul Magrs, Richard Dungworth, Scott Handcock and Craig Donaghy, each story stars an incarnation of the Doctor on a brand...

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Sick Building

by Paul Magrs

Published 3 August 2010

Tiermann's World: a planet covered in wintry woods and roamed by sabre-toothed tigers and other savage beasts. The Doctor is here to warn Professor Tiermann, his wife and their son that a terrible danger is on its way.

The Tiermanns live in luxury, in a fantastic, futuristic, fully-automated Dreamhome, under...

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Doctor Who

by Robert Perry and Mike Tucker

Published 6 October 1997
A Doctor Who adventure. Years after the extinction of its indigenous races, the sea-world of Coralee is populated by human and dolphin colonists. They are ignorant of what caused the original population to die out, but tales of vicious monsters proliferate.

The Doctor Who

by Paul Magrs

Published 7 September 1998
Can the Doctor avert certain disaster as various evil forces arise to exploit the chaos of war with the King of Ghillighast, the Guardian of Darkness?

Horror of Glam Rock

by Paul Magrs

Published 31 March 2007

Alien Arena

by Richard Dungworth

Published 5 July 2007
Join the Doctor on his travels and influence his adventures with your decisions. Will you explore the alien planet or get back in the TARDIS and travel to somewhere new? Choose a direction and let the adventure begin..."Arena" is one of four exciting new "Decide Your Destiny Doctor Who"...Read more

The Crystal Snare

by Richard Dungworth

Published 28 July 2007
Become the Doctor's companion and join him on his adventures through time and space. At the end of each page, you are faced with a choice as to which route the story will take. Make your own path through the story to one of the several different endings.

The Darksmith Legacy

by Mike Tucker

Published 27 August 2009
The Darksmiths have the Eternity Crystal and are eager to finally fulfil their contract with their mysterious client. The Darksmiths have also reprogrammed Gisella, the robotic 'daughter' of Varlos, who now seems to be working for them. The Doctor learns that the Darksmiths are due to hand over the...Read more

The Taking of Chelsea 426

by David Llewellyn

Published 6 October 2009

The Chelsea Flower Show - hardly the most exciting or dangerous event in the calendar, or so the Doctor thinks. But this is Chelsea 426, a city-sized future colony floating on the clouds of Saturn, and the flowers are much more than they seem.

As the Doctor investigates, he becomes...

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Hornets' Nest: The Dead Shoes

by Paul Magrs

Published 1 January 2010

Snake Bite

by Scott Handcock

Published 1 May 2014