Book 1

The Witching Pen

by Dianna Hardy

Published 15 March 2012
It's hard being the most powerful witch on the planet. It's even harder when you're a twenty-five year old virgin who'll lose all of that power the moment you sleep with someone ...that's why Elena's never slept with her best friend and flatmate, Karl, despite the true feelings they harbour for each other. Elena's about to discover that there are even more difficult things in life to deal with. One of them comes in the form of a pen she discovers one day, a pen that allows anything she writes to come to pass...Suddenly, it's not just her powers or her heart that's at stake, but her very soul, as a dream demon with a seductive pull uses the pen to try and turn her away from her reality, and from Karl. But the pen is just the beginning. Everything Elena has believed in is a lie, and her world is about to fall apart...(Includes the bonus short story, Wilted.)

Book 2

The Sands of Time

by Dianna Hardy

Published 1 April 2012
(Book Two of The Witching Pen Novellas) Seven days ago, Elizabeth May tried to commit suicide. She was found by Paul, her husband, who took her under his wing and back to their home. But the attempted suicide is not Elizabeth's main problem - Elizabeth can't remember who she is, or a single thing about her life beyond the past week. Plagued by nightmares about a familiar black panther, and a terrifying snow leopard, she is convinced that the dreams are trying to show her something important, and is determined to regain her memories, one way or another. Meanwhile, Pueblo - the demon blood-bonded to the witch, Amy - is going insane trying to find her. Amy disappeared one week ago, and it seems not even their bond is strong enough to penetrate whatever magic hides her. As Pueblo enlists the help of angels and demons alike, Elizabeth begins to piece together parts of her forgotten life. But what she uncovers may just have her wanting to turn away from who she really is ...for good.

Book 3

The Demon Bride

by Dianna Hardy

Published 1 September 2012
(Book Three of The Witching Pen Novellas) "Two thousand and eleven years after the birth of the Failed One, the Witching Pen will be made manifest on Earth by the Great Shanka Witch of the Old Scrolls. By her hand, the Earth will rumble and shatter, and all dimensions will bleed into one." The true purpose of the Witching Pen has been revealed, and it must be destroyed before an apocalyptic prophecy comes true. There's just one problem - the Pen is indestructible. As everyone searches for much needed answers, Elena lays down plans for a radical mission to save her mother from the Shanka's shadow world. Meanwhile, Mary has finally discovered who she really is, and what that means for the human race. What Mary doesn't know, is that Gwain has been searching for her for over ten thousand years, and had lost all hope of finding her. Now that he has her, he's faced with an impossible choice: does he save the woman who altered his very existence, or does he sacrifice her to save mankind?

Book 4

The Last Dragon

by Dianna Hardy

Published 4 October 2013