Book 79

The book presents results of a comprehensive study of various features of eigen electromagnetic waves propagating across the axis of plasma filled metal waveguides with cylindrical geometry. The authors collected in one book material on various features of surface flute waves, i.e. impact of waveguide design on wave dispersion, wave damping influenced by various reasons, impact of plasma density and external magnetic field inhomogeneity on the wave, and impact of waveguide corrugation and electric current on the wave. A variety of present surface waves applications and possible future applications is also included. Using the method of successive approximations it is shown how one can solve problems, which concern real experimental devices, starting from simple models. The book applies to both professionals dealing with problems of confined plasmas and to graduate and post-graduate students specializing in the field of plasma physics and related applications.

Book 107

This book is the first of its kind devoted to surface waves propagating across an external static magnetic field at harmonics of the electron cyclotron frequency. Based on comprehensive theoretical studies carried out over the course of about forty years, it presents unique material on various characteristics of these transverse waves, namely, dispersion properties and their dependence on numerous design peculiarities of plasma waveguides; damping due to interaction with the plasma surface (the kinetic channel) and collisions between plasma particles (the Ohmic channel); interaction with flows of charged particles moving above the plasma surface; parametric excitation due to the effect of an external radiofrequency field; and their power transfer for sustaining gas discharges. Clarifying numerous complicated mathematical issues it is a valuable resource for postgraduate students and experts in plasma physics, electromagnetic waves, and the kinetic theory of plasmas.