In this book a neural network learning method with type-2 fuzzy weight adjustment is proposed. The mathematical analysis of the proposed learning method architecture and the adaptation of type-2 fuzzy weights are presented. The proposed method is based on research of recent methods that handle weight adaptation and especially fuzzy weights.The internal operation of the neuron is changed to work with two internal calculations for the activation function to obtain two results as outputs of the proposed method. Simulation results and a comparative study among monolithic neural networks, neural network with type-1 fuzzy weights and neural network with type-2 fuzzy weights are presented to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method.The proposed approach is based on recent methods that handle adaptation of weights using fuzzy logic of type-1 and type-2. The proposed approach is applied to a cases of prediction for the Mackey-Glass (for ô=17) and Dow-Jones time series, and recognition of person with iris biometric measure. In some experiments, noise was applied in different levels to the test data of the Mackey-Glass time series for showing that the type-2 fuzzy backpropagation approach obtains better behavior and tolerance to noise than the other methods.The optimization algorithms that were used are the genetic algorithm and the particle swarm optimization algorithm and the purpose of applying these methods was to find the optimal type-2 fuzzy inference systems for the neural network with type-2 fuzzy weights that permit to obtain the lowest prediction error.

In this book, a series of granular algorithms are proposed. A nature inspired granular algorithm based on Newtonian gravitational forces is proposed. A series of methods for the formation of higher-type information granules represented by Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets are also shown, via multiple approaches, such as Coefficient of Variation, principle of justifiable granularity, uncertainty-based information concept, and numerical evidence based. And a fuzzy granular application comparison is given as to demonstrate the differences in how uncertainty affects the performance of fuzzy information granules.

This book focuses on the fields of fuzzy logic, granular computing and also considering the control area. These areas can work together to solve various control problems, the idea is that this combination of areas would enable even more complex problem solving and better results. In this book we test the proposed method using two benchmark problems: the total flight control and the problem of water level control for a 3 tank system. When fuzzy logic is used it make it easy to performed the simulations, these fuzzy systems help to model the behavior of a real systems, using the fuzzy systems fuzzy rules are generated and with this can generate the behavior of any variable depending on the inputs and linguistic value. For this reason this work considers the proposed architecture using fuzzy systems and with this improve the behavior of the complex control problems.

This book focuses on the fields of fuzzy logic, bio-inspired algorithm; especially bee colony optimization algorithm and also considering the fuzzy control area. The main idea is that this areas together can to solve various control problems and to find better results. In this book we test the proposed method using two benchmark problems; the problem for filling a water tank and the problem for controlling the trajectory in an autonomous mobile robot. When Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System is implemented to model the behavior of systems, the results show a better stabilization, because the analysis of uncertainty is better. For this reason we consider in this book the proposed method using fuzzy systems, fuzzy controllers, and bee colony optimization algorithm improve the behavior of the complex control problems.

In this book, a methodology for parameter adaptation in meta-heuristic op-timization methods is proposed. This methodology is based on using met-rics about the population of the meta-heuristic methods, to decide through a fuzzy inference system the best parameter values that were carefully se-lected to be adjusted. With this modification of parameters we want to find a better model of the behavior of the optimization method, because with the modification of parameters, these will affect directly the way in which the global or local search are performed.Three different optimization methods were used to verify the improve-ment of the proposed methodology. In this case the optimization methods are: PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) and GSA (Gravitational Search Algorithm), where some parameters are se-lected to be dynamically adjusted, and these parameters have the most im-pact in the behavior of each optimization method.Simulation results show that the proposed methodology helps to each optimization method in obtaining better results than the results obtained by the original method without parameter adjustment.

In this book four new methods are proposed. In the first method the generalized type-2 fuzzy logic is combined with the morphological gra-dient technique. The second method combines the general type-2 fuzzy systems (GT2 FSs) and the Sobel operator; in the third approach the me-thodology based on Sobel operator and GT2 FSs is improved to be applied on color images. In the fourth approach, we proposed a novel edge detec-tion method where, a digital image is converted a generalized type-2 fuzzy image. In this book it is also included a comparative study of type-1, inter-val type-2 and generalized type-2 fuzzy systems as tools to enhance edge detection in digital images when used in conjunction with the morphologi-cal gradient and the Sobel operator. The proposed generalized type-2 fuzzy edge detection methods were tested with benchmark images and synthetic images, in a grayscale and color format.
Another contribution in this book is that the generalized type-2 fuzzy edge detector method is applied in the preprocessing phase of a face rec-ognition system; where the recognition system is based on a monolithic neural network. The aim of this part of the book is to show the advantage of using a generalized type-2 fuzzy edge detector in pattern recognition applications.
The main goal of using generalized type-2 fuzzy logic in edge detec-tion applications is to provide them with the ability to handle uncertainty in processing real world images; otherwise, to demonstrate that a GT2 FS has a better performance than the edge detection methods based on type-1 and type-2 fuzzy logic systems.

In this book, a new method for hybrid intelligent systems is proposed. The proposed method is based on a granular computing approach applied in two levels. The techniques used and combined in the proposed method are modular neural networks (MNNs) with a Granular Computing (GrC) approach, thus resulting in a new concept of MNNs; modular granular neural networks (MGNNs). In addition fuzzy logic (FL) and hierarchical genetic algorithms (HGAs) are techniques used in this research work to improve results. These techniques are chosen because in other works have demonstrated to be a good option, and in the case of MNNs and HGAs, these techniques allow to improve the results obtained than with their conventional versions; respectively artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms.

This book presents an extension of the aggregation operator of the generalized interval type-2 Sugeno integral using generalized type-2 fuzzy logic. This extension enables it to handle higher levels of uncertainty when adding any number of sources and types of information in a wide variety of decision-making applications. The authors also demonstrate that the extended aggregation operator offers better performance than other traditional or extended operators. The book is a valuables reference resource for students and researchers working on theory and applications of fuzzy logic in various areas of application where decision making is performed under high levels of uncertainty, such as pattern recognition, time series prediction, intelligent control and manufacturing.

This book focuses on the fields of hybrid intelligent systems based on fuzzy systems, neural networks, bio-inspired algorithms and time series. This book describes the construction of ensembles of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks models and the optimization of their fuzzy integrators with bio-inspired algorithms for time series prediction. Interval type-2 and type-1 fuzzy systems are used to integrate the outputs of the Ensemble of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network models. Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization are the Bio-Inspired algorithms used for the optimization of the fuzzy response integrators. The Mackey-Glass, Mexican Stock Exchange, Dow Jones and NASDAQ time series are used to test of performance of the proposed method. Prediction errors are evaluated by the following metrics: Mean Absolute Error, Mean Square Error, Root Mean Square Error, Mean Percentage Error and Mean Absolute Percentage Error. The proposed prediction model outperforms state of the art methods in predicting the particular time series considered in this work.


This book presents a new meta-heuristic algorithm, inspired by the self-defense mechanisms of plants in nature. Numerous published works have demonstrated the various self-defense mechanisms (survival strategies) plants use to protect themselves against predatory organisms, such as herbivorous insects. The proposed algorithm is based on the predator–prey mathematical model originally proposed by Lotka and Volterra, consisting of two nonlinear first-order differential equations, which allow the growth of two interacting populations (prey and predator) to be modeled. The proposed meta-heuristic is able to produce excellent results in several sets of benchmark optimization problems. Further, fuzzy logic is used for dynamic parameter adaptation in the algorithm.

This book focuses on the fields of fuzzy logic, bio-inspired algorithm, especially the differential evolution algorithm and also considering the fuzzy control area. The main idea is that these two areas together can help solve various control problems and to find better results. In this book, the authors test the proposed method using five benchmark control problems. First, the water tank, temperature, mobile robot, and inverted pendulum controllers are considered. For these 4 problems, experimentation was carried out using a Type-1 fuzzy system and an Interval Type-2 system. The last control problem was the D.C. motor, for which the experiments were performed with Type-1, Interval Type-2, and Generalized Type-2 fuzzy systems. When we use fuzzy systems combined with the differential evolution algorithm, we can notice that the results obtained in each of the controllers are better and with increasing uncertainty, the results are even better. For this reason, the authors consider in this book the proposed method using fuzzy systems and the differential evolution algorithm to improve the fuzzy controllers’ behavior in complex control problems.

This book presents different experimental results as evidence of the good results obtained compared with respect to conventional approaches and literature references based on fuzzy logic. Nowadays, the evolution of intelligence systems for decision making has been reached considerable levels of success, as these systems are getting more intelligent and can be of great help to experts in decision making. One of the more important realms in decision making is the area of medical diagnosis, and many kinds of intelligence systems provide the expert good assistance to perform diagnosis; some of these methods are, for example, artificial neural networks (can be very powerful to find tendencies), support vector machines, that avoid overfitting problems, and statistical approaches (e.g., Bayesian). However, the present research is focused on one of the most relevant kinds of intelligent systems, which are the fuzzy systems. The main objective of the present work is the generation of fuzzy diagnosis systems that offer competitive classifiers to be applied in diagnosis systems. To generate these systems, we have proposed a methodology for the automatic design of classifiers and is focused in the Generalized Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, because the uncertainty handling can provide us with the robustness necessary to be competitive with other kinds of methods. In addition, different alternatives to the uncertainty modeling, rules-selection, and optimization have been explored. Besides, different experimental results are presented as evidence of the good results obtained when compared with respect to conventional approaches and literature references based on Fuzzy Logic.

This book focuses on the fields of nature-inspired algorithms, optimization problems and fuzzy logic. In this book, a new metaheuristic based on String Theory from Physics is proposed. It is important to mention that we have proposed the new algorithm to generate new potential solutions in optimization problems in order to find new ways that could improve the results in solving these problems. We are presenting the results for the proposed method in different cases of study. The first case, is optimization of traditional benchmark mathematical functions. The second case, is the optimization of benchmark functions of the CEC 2015 Competition and we are also presenting results of the CEC 2017 Competition on Constrained Real-Parameter Optimization that are problems that contain the presence of constraints that alter the shape of the search space making them more difficult to solve. Finally, in the third case, we are presenting the optimization of a fuzzy inference system, specifically for finding the optimal design of a fuzzy controller for an autonomous mobile robot. It is important to mention that in all study cases we are presenting statistical tests in or-der to validate the performance of proposed method. In summary, we believe that this book will be of great interest to a wide audience, ranging from engineering and science graduate students, to researchers and professors in computational intelligence, metaheuristics, optimization, robotics and control.