Book 9

An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, first published in 1865, with a second edition in the same year, and third and fourth editions in 1867 and 1872, has long been out of print. The Examination was, for his contemporaries, a most significant and popular work, presenting an extended...Read more

Book 20

J.S. Mill's deep interest in French intellectual, political, and social affairs began in 1820 when, in his fourteenth year, he went to France to live for a year with the family of Sir Samuel Bentham. French became his second language, and France his second home, where he died and...Read more


Writings on India

by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 January 1990
John Stuart Mill worked for thirty-five years in the Examiner's Office of the East India Company, first as a junior clerk and finally as head of the Office. His activities there are among the least examined aspects of his career.Mill was somewhat reluctant, because of his official position, to...Read more

Book 31

Miscellaneous Writings

by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 December 1989

The interests and activities of John Stuart Mill (1806-73) were so wide-ranging that even the varied subjects of thirty previously published volumes of Collected Works cannot encompass them all. In this volume are brought together diverse and interesting instances of his polymathic career, none before republished and some previously...

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The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill took thirty years to complete and is acknowledged as the definitive edition of J.S. Mill and as one of the finest works editions ever completed.
Mill's contributions to philosophy, economics, and history, and in the roles of scholar, politician and journalist can...Read more

Mill?s experience in Parliament is reflected in his public political activities from 1865 through 1868: campaign speeches; support in the House of Commons for women?s and working-class suffrage and personal representation; involvement in pressing issues such as Ireland, Jamaica, extradition, metropolitan government, the prevention of electoral corruption, and much...Read more

Additional Letters

by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 January 1991
This volume contains more than 300 letters by John Stuart Mill that have been discovered since the publication of Earlier Letters in 1962 and Later Letters in 1972. The collection covers a vast rangle of topics, and includes three groups of letters of special interest: a series of notes...Read more

The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill took thirty years to complete and is acknowledged as the definitive edition of J.S. Mill and as one of the finest works editions ever completed.
Mill's contributions to philosophy, economics, and history, and in the roles of scholar, politician and journalist can...

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Earlier Letters 1812-1848

by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 November 1963
These volumes of Mill's letters have been awaited eagerly by all scholars in the field of nineteenth-century studies. They inaugurate most auspiciously the edition of the Collected Works of John Stuart Mill planned and directed by an editorial committee appointed from the Faculty of Arts and Science of the...Read more

John Stuart Mill's political essays are a blend of the practical and the theoretical. In this volume are gathered together those in which the practical emphasis is more moarked; those in which theory is predominant are found in Essays on Politics and Society, Vols XVIII and XIX of the...Read more

Newspaper Writings

by John Stuart Mill

Published 1 January 1986
For just over fifty years John Stuart Mill contributed articles and letters to the newspapers, setting before the public a radical position on contemporary events. From 1822 to 1873, in newspapers as widely read as The Times and the Morning Chronicle, and as narrowly circulated as the True Sun...Read more