Book 1

Auf Dem Sprung

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 August 1998

Book 2

he award-winning cartoonist details the further adventures of Calvin, a mischievous young boy with boundless energy and imagination, and his lovable stuffed tiger.

Book 2

Fix Und Fertig

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 August 1998

Book 3

Calvin y Hobbes

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 December 1998

Book 6

Book 6

Book 10

Calvin and Hobbes are back in another thrilling adventure involving escapes from girls, parents, and snow goon monsters.

In Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons, Calvin suffers a host of hardships. He gets attacked by his new two-wheeler bike. Hobbes gets kidnapped by Susie, a...

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Book 11

Calvin and Hobbes

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 January 1987
The first book collection of the classic and beloved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip!

"Most people who write comic dialogue for minors demonstrate surprisingly little feel for--or faith in--the original source material, that is, childhood, in all its unfettered and winsome glory. It is in this respect that Bill...

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Essential Calvin and Hobbes

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 January 1988
he award-winning cartoonist details the further adventures of Calvin, a mischievous young boy with boundless energy and imagination, and his lovable stuffed tiger.

Calvin and Hobbes is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. The imaginative world of a boy and his real-only-to-him tiger was first syndicated in 1985 and appeared in more than 2,400 newspapers when Bill Watterson retired on January 1, 1996. Composed of three hardcover,...Read more

It's a Magical World

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 September 1996
This collection of cartoons features Calvin and Hobbes . It shows Calvin-turned-firefly waking Hobbes with his flashlight glow; Spaceman Spiff rocketing through alien galaxies as he battles Dad-turned-Bug-Being; and Calvin's always inspired snowman art.

A collection of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. The author won the 1986 Reuben Award as Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year and has also illustrated Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Snow Goons, Yukon Ho! and Weirdos From Another Planet.

This omnibus edition includes Revenge of the Baby-Sat and Scientific Progress Goes Boink as well as other cartoons, integrated throughout. Bill Watterson won the 1986 Reuben Award as Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year, nominated by the National Cartoonists' Society.

Calvin, cheeky, hyperactive and mischievous, and Hobbes, his cuddly toy...

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Whether Calvin and Hobbes are blasting off on another interplanetary adventure or approaching warp speed on a downhill wagon ride, their capers consistently charm and refresh their readers' days.

In the world that Calvin and his tiger Hobbes share, treasures can be found in the most unlikely places, from...

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Calvin, cheeky, hyperactive and mischievous, and Hobbes, his cuddly toy tiger who, as far as Calvin is concerned is very much alive and kicking, are two of the most loveable and hilarious characters to grace the comic strip in years.

This collection contains Yukon Ho! and Weirdos from Another Planet...

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Yukon Ho!

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 January 1989
The spirit of childhood leaps to life again with boundless energy and magic in Yukon Ho!, a collection of adventures featuring rambunctious six-year-old Calvin and his co-conspirator tiger-chum, Hobbes. Picking up where The Essential Calvin and Hobbes left off, Yukon Ho! is a delight!

Weirdos from Another Planet

by Bill Watterson

Published 1 January 1990
"Flashes of innovative genius abound. Exploring the world of Calvin and Hobbes is great therapy. The antics of the precocious boy and his suave stuffed tiger pal can pull anyone out of the doldrums." --Amarillo News Globe

In Calvin and Hobbes book Weirdos From Another Planet!, this power-packed extravaganza...

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