Miss Liberty

by June Behrens

Published 1 April 1986
Describes the conception, construction in France, erection in New York Harbor, and recent renovation of the tallest statue of modern times.

Sally Ride, Astronaut

by June Behrens

Published 1 March 1984
A biography of the California astrophysicist who became, with the second mission of the Challenger spacecraft in June 1983, the first American woman and the youngest American astronaut to orbit the earth.

Examines the life and career of the man who served as vice-president of the United States for eight years under Ronald Reagan and was then elected to follow him as the forty-first president.

Juliette Low

by Emilie U Lepthien and June Behrens

Published 1 November 1988
Depicts the life of the vigorous and unconventional woman from Savannah who founded the American branch of the Girl Scouts.

Ronald Reagan, an All-American

by June Behrens

Published 12 December 1981
Brief biography of the man who became the fortieth President of the United States.

Barbara Bush

by June Behrens

Published 1 October 1990
Presents the life of the woman who married the forty-first president of the United States.