Book 2

Ariol knows he's just like his hero in every way: brave, er... handsome, and... um... tall? Well, maybe Ariol has a ways to go, but that's not going to stop him from doing everything he can to grow up and become just like the guardian of the stars! With charming artwork and hilarious vignettes, Ariol is the right series for anyone who ever started off life as a kid!

Book 3

Ariol 4

by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 6 May 2014

Book 5

Ariol 5

by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 9 September 2014

Book 6

Nasty Cat

by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 10 February 2015

Book 7

Ariol 7

by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 5 January 2016

Book 8

Ariol 8

by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 17 May 2016

Book 9

Ariol 9

by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 29 November 2016
Bouncer, Ariol's rabbit classmate, is the best one at sports (even if he
wears a dental device). That's just one typical detail you'll discover in the
latest all-new collection of twelve delicately delightful Ariol stories. Ariol,
that cute little blue donkey with the big eye glasses, whose best friend is a
pig, who is hopelessly in love with a cow, while a fly is equally
head-over-heels in love with him (not that he cares). Ariol's ever-expanding
universe features many endearing characters that will remind you of your friends
and (possibly) your enemies too. After all, Ariol's just a donkey like you and

Book 10


by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 18 June 2013

It's "Dancing with the Steers" as Ariol and his friends trip the light
Dance class is in session for donkeys and pigs. Who is all hooves
and who has the beat? Ariol’s teacher, Mr. Blunt, joins the dance floor,
too, and earns the name “Mad Dog.” Will Ariol’s secret crush
Petula the cow dance into his arms or is he one step behind? This is the one
dance party you won’t want to miss!

The Three Donkeys

by Emmanuel Guibert

Published 26 April 2016
It's a new volume of Ariol focusing on the daily life of the little donkey with the big personality. This time the spotlight is on the Picotin family: Mom, Dad and, of course, Ariol. But don't worry! Ariol's friends like Ramono, Petula and Bizbilla will be stopping by too. Ariol's parents are always happy to welcome his friends in to the house for playdates, snacks or just to say hello. But are they any good at playing "Thunder Horse"? After all, for Ariol, the equine super hero might as well be part of the family!