Countries of The World: China

by Jen Green

Published 18 August 2009

National Geographic invites you to journey through China in a vibrant book that profiles the country's extensive geography, its storied history, and its rich culture. You'll also examine the growing role modern China plays in today's global economy

Travel with the experts deep into this land of diverse people and see the wide range of landscapes, from vast plateaus to the great timber forests. Witness the Yangtze River in the east, yaks and gazelle in the wilderness of the west, and rare pandas as they prowl their natural habitat. Wander through the past, along the Great Wall of China, built to ward off enemies of a mighty empire. Experience the effects of Mao's Cultural Revolution, and learn how political tensions with neighbours like Taiwan and Hong Kong play against China's policy of welcoming tourists. Finally, examine how modern industrial China is balancing the traditions of the past with the demands of the future.

Welcome to Greece, birthplace of democracy and drama. Discover the land of a thousand islands in the bright Aegean sunshine. See smoggy Athens and learn why this historic city suffers such pollution. Find out why the belly button of the cosmos is located at Delphi. Dive deep into the mystery of the lost city of Atlantis at Santorini.

National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources.
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Countries Of The World

by Jen Green

Published 29 September 2009
National Geographic invites you to journey through China in a vibrant book that profiles the country's extensive geography, its storied history, and its rich culture. You'll also examine the growing role modern China plays in today's global economy.

Travel with the experts deep into this land of diverse people and see the wide range of landscapes, from vast plateaus to the great timber forests. Witness the Yangtze River in the east, yaks and gazelle in the wilderness of the west, and rare pandas as they prowl their natural habitat.

Wander through the past, along the Great Wall of China, built to ward off enemies of a mighty empire. Experience the effects of Mao's Cultural Revolution, and learn how political tensions with neighbors like Taiwan and the recently acquired Hong Kong, play against China's policy of welcoming tourists. Finally, examine how modern industrial China is balancing the traditions of the past with the demands of the future.

National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources.
Visit for more information.