Health and Disease

by Richard Spilsbury

Published 12 September 2013
When students at a school fall ill, it becomes clear a serious outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) is occurring. Can doctors prevent its spread, and can they minimize the harm that is being caused by a rare strain of the disease? This book looks at the topics of health and disease to explain how pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, can affect our health and pass from person to person. It shows how medical professionals use their knowledge of science and technology to track down those infected by TB and to give them treatment.

Chemical Reactions

by Richard Spilsbury

Published 19 January 2007
The calm of the night is shattered by an explosion and flames: a chemical factory is on fire, and a dangerous gas is drifting across town! This book looks at the topic of chemical reactions to explain the properties of chemicals and how they react, what has caused the explosion, and how the resulting fire and pollution can be tackled. It shows how the emergency services use their knowledge of science and technology to make the factory safe, and how investigators can analyse the evidence to determine the cause of the disaster.