Bundle up and experience one of the most challenging migrations in the world in When Penguins Cross the Ice. Beautiful illustrations and a touching narrative tell the story of one particular Emperor penguin in the frozen heart of Antarctica.

Swim alongside one particular grey whale as she makes the longest migration journey of any mammal on Earth. A heart-warming story and realistic illustrations captivate and educate.

Soar alongside one particular monarch butterfly and discover why its migration is one of the world's most extraordinary. Realistic illustrations illuminate the journey, while the narrative excites and educates.

Few migrations are as visually stunning as that of the Christmas Island crab. Crawl alongside one particular crab as it makes its way to the water's edge and marvel at this small creature's big, life-changing journey.

Many animals migrate, and their journeys are filled with challenges and wonder. But some animals' migrations go beyond, making them extraordinary. Delightful storytelling and vivid illustrations invite readers to swim, waddle, crawl, and fly alongside a gray whale, an Emperor penguin, a Christmas Island crab, and a monarch butterfly as each animal fulfills part of its life cycle.