Book 1


by Cheryl Caldwell

Published 9 May 2017
Pairing bright, hilarious illustrations with witty one-liners that most people would never dare say out loud, each Co-edikit book is a celebration of the human experience and the kind of gift that ensures its reader will maintain a laughing perspective on life. “I don’t like morning people…or mornings…or people.” On those days when life gets on your last nerve, Sarcasm is the perfect pick-me-up!

Book 2

Being Happy

by Cheryl Caldwell

Published 9 May 2017
Pairing bright, hilarious illustrations with witty one-liners that most people would never dare say out loud, each Co-edikit book is a celebration of the human experience and the kind of gift that ensures its reader will maintain a laughing perspective on life. A how-to guide on Being Happy, this witty combination of LOL one-liners and expressive characters is self-help served Co-edikit style!

Book 3


by Cheryl Caldwell

Published 9 May 2017
Pairing bright, hilarious illustrations with witty one-liners that most people would never dare say out loud, each Co-edikit book is a celebration of the human experience and the kind of gift that ensures its reader will maintain a laughing perspective on life. With its witty wisecracks and laugh-out-loud illustrations, Aging is the ideal antidote to anyone’s over-the-hill blues.

Book 4


by Cheryl Caldwell

Published 9 May 2017
Pairing bright, hilarious illustrations with witty one-liners that most people would never dare say out loud, each Co-edikit book is a celebration of the human experience and the kind of gift that ensures its reader will maintain a laughing perspective on life. Laughing reminds us that there’s funny to be found in almost every moment of life…and sometimes the most important thing to laugh at is ourselves.

The Co-edikit Series pairs witty one-liners with expressive, illustrated characters to bring charm, and brighten your day. This Diet & Exercise Book delivers a hilarious take on all things motivating you to accomplish a sit-up besides sitting up to hit the snooze button for the fifth time. Grab a weight, or a fork, and tuck into these nuggets of humor to celebrate the gift of the human experience giggling all the way to a lighter perspective.

Today I'm Feeling . . .

by Cheryl Caldwell

Published 24 April 2018
Pairing bright, hilarious illustrations with witty one-liners that most people would never dare say out loud, each Co-edikit book is a celebration of the human experience and the kind of gift that ensures its reader will maintain a laughing perspective on life. The Co-edikit Flip Book is a witty combination of LOL one-liners and expressive characters taken from four of her humor books; Aging, Being Happy, Laughing, and Sarcasm.

Pairing bright, expressive illustrations with clever one-liners that most people would never dare say out loud, each Co-edikit book is a celebration of the human experience and the kind of gift that ensures its reader will maintain a laughing perspective on life. A spoof on Graduates, this witty combination of expressive characters is served Co-edikit style that is sure to delight.

A clever take on all things baby 101, will have you outright laughing as you attempt to bathe, feed, and provide comfort to your newborn. This survival guide for dads is everything parents have secretly thought but hesitated to say with its hilarity and no-boundaries approach to live out loud and brighten your day.