Jumpstart! Assemblies

by John Foster

Published 4 December 2018

This book contains a wealth of ideas for teachers to deliver engaging and informative assemblies in primary schools. The book gives a structure for any assembly that can be easily followed with minimum preparation and provides plenty of opportunities for children to learn interactively and reflect on the theme introduced.

With all the essential information on over 40 topics and complementary resources, including the author's own poetry, Jumpstart! Assemblies covers a variety of subjects, such as:

  • personal relationships and values, including friendship, bullying, tolerance, and greed;
  • health and wellbeing, including exercise, food, safety at home and online, and mental health;
  • global issues, including conservation, the environment, world hunger, and peace;
  • festivals and celebrations, including Diwali, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Chinese New Year, and Christmas.

This book will be an invaluable aid for any teacher who wants to jumpstart the school day with a dynamic and effective assembly.

Jumpstart! PSHE

by John Foster

Published 24 April 2015

This collection of engaging and simple to use activities will jumpstart students' understanding of themselves, their relationships and their knowledge of how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

A wealth of practical activities in the book range from class and group discussions and formal debates to games, role plays, hot seating and thought tracking. This book enables teachers to deliver effective and imaginative PSHE lessons, encouraging children to:

* Share their views on issues that concern them such as bullying

* Learn to think for themselves and to make their own decisions

* Be aware of the dangers involved in drinking, smoking and drugtaking

* Understand their relationships with family and friends

* Explore social issues such as prejudice and discrimination

* Learn how to handle their emotions

Jumpstart! PSHE is an essential classroom resource that will encourage the personal development of children and is the perfect solution for helping teachers deliver effective and imaginative PSHE lessons.

What a Star!

by Sue Graves and John Foster

Published 29 January 1999

Can You Play?

by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999

Jumpstart! Talk for Learning

by Lyn Dawes and John Foster

Published 19 November 2015

Jumpstart! Talk for Learning presents a collection of multi-sensory games and activities that will jumpstart children's use of effective talk in the classroom. This book offers practical and engaging ideas ranging from brief games to extended lesson suggestions. It offers a basis for creating your own spoken language activities to match topics you are teaching and individual needs of your class.

Specifically written to help teachers with the direct teaching of talk skills required by the National Curriculum, activities in the book encourage children to:

* participate in group and class discussions

* use exploratory talk and share a range of points of view

* use talk imaginatively to develop understanding

* develop individual presentational talk

* take part in active drama sessions

Jumpstart! Talk for Learning includes a range of classroom activities that can be used in literacy lessons and integrated across the curriculum. This essential resource will help teachers develop children's use of talk to understand one another and get things done together.

Jumpstart! Study Skills

by John Foster

Published 25 May 2017

Jumpstart! Study Skills presents a collection of engaging and simple-to-use games and activities that will jumpstart students’ understanding of working independently and as part of a group and how to develop the study skills necessary to succeed at school.

Providing teachers with a range of practical ideas and strategies to promote active learning in Key Stage 2, the activities in this book will help students to:

  • create plans for investigations and assignments;
  • improve their organisational skills: time management and teamwork;
  • collect data using methods such as observations, surveys and interviews;
  • develop their reading and notetaking skills;
  • engage in meaningful discussions and develop their talk skills;
  • advance their computer skills to sift and record data;
  • create strategies for revising and preparing for tests;
  • analyse data and draw conclusions;
  • improve their ability to write reports;
  • evaluate their own achievements and identify future targets.

Jumpstart! Study Skills is an essential classroom resource that will encourage children’s development and help teachers to deliver effective lessons that promote active learning in Key Stage 2.


by Sue Graves and John Foster

Published 29 January 1999

It's Magic

by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999


by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999

A Trip to Mars

by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999

The End of the By-pass

by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999

Football for Ever

by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999

Deadly Snakes

by Sue Graves and John Foster

Published 29 January 1999


by Sue Graves and John Foster

Published 29 January 1999

The Sandpit

by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999

Sports Day

by Sue Graves

Published 29 January 1999