Lonely Planet Barcelona

by Damien Simonis

Published 20 February 2003


by Robert Landon

Published 23 January 2009
Neighbourhood structure helps travellers navigate the city more easily; from the artistic studios of the Oltrarno to primo shopping tips and the low-down on the best bistecca fiorentina. This title includes a chorus of local voice interviews from tour leaders to avant-garde performers for an insight into how Florence...Read more


by Nicola Williams and Et Al

Published 25 May 2001
This book features new colour food chapter highlighting the regional diversity of cuisine, including in-depth information on cheese, bread and charcuterie.Local voice interviews give reader's a window into the people who define French culture. It provides in-depth coverage of French culture, food & wine, plus thorough explanations about how...Read more


by Damien Simonis

Published 29 February 2000
This guide provides valuable information for independent travel, suggesting hundreds of value for money restaurants and accommodation options. It also gives background briefing on all historical sights, museums and galleries.

'Middle East' is full of helpful advice on what to see, where to go, local customs, where to stay and other useful hints for the traveller.


by Damien Simonis

Published 30 April 1999
This guide gets travellers straight to the heart of the locals' city with information on the best street parties (in Gracia), the best markets (Boqueria obviously but also smaller ones such as Placa del Pi and Placa Nova) and the best off-the-beaten-track bars (along Carrer d'Aribau).Its handy bite-sized format...Read more


by Andrea Schulte-Peevers

Published 1 August 1998
This travel guide to Berlin enables travellers to travel the way they want to. Information is provided on where to eat, sleep and shop and an itineraries chapter allows the traveller to plan their time effectively.

Local authorities provide the low-down on outdoor activities, from Lake Tahoe skiing to Southern California surfing in this book. A special section on hiking in Yosemite National Park is included, with expanded coverage of the Napa Valley and Sonoma wine country. Gambling getaways are also featured.

Experience the Southwest USAGaze up at the Grand Canyon while floating down the mightly ColoradoChat with Santa Fe locals over spicy green chile and margaritasSpot ghosts of the Old West on the trail of Butch CassidyIn This GuideExpanded edition covers the best of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Las...Read more

Myanmar (Burma)

by Robert Reid and Et Al

Published 22 May 2009
This guide provides practical accommodation and restaurant options to suit a range of budgets. It has been thoroughly revised and expanded to include areas recently opened up to independent travellers and has a section on ancient temples.


by Anthony Ham and Abigail Hole

Published 31 July 1998
Includes accommodation and restaurant listings for all budgets and tastes; useful information on getting around, including 4WD desert tours; the lowdown and what to buy and where, from birdcages to silver jewellery and carpets; special features on Tunisia's Roman, Berber and Islamic architecture; and language sections.

British Columbia

by Graham Neale and Ryan Ver Berkmoes

Published 27 April 2001
Comprehensive coverage opens up the unspoilt wilderness areas and showcases quaint towns. Insights from local writers reveal the real British Columbia. Features great skiing and hiking coverage, plus accommodation, dining and entertainment listings for all travellers.

New Orleans

by Tom Downs

Published 23 November 2006
This guide to New Orleans is full of helpful advice on what to see, where to go, local customs, where to stay and other useful hints for the traveller.


by Anthony Haywood and Et Al

Published 25 March 2005
Whether you're exploring the magnificent Hohe Tauern National Park, paragliding from a Tirolean mountain, admiring the angelic voices of the Vienna Boys' Choir or wine tasting in Styrian vineyards, this is the essential guide you need.

Melbourne and Victoria

by Donna Wheeler and Et Al

Published 20 October 2006
Discover Melbourne & Victoria
Go seaside in sultry St Kilda, with a stroll among fishermen on the pier and a beer at the iconic Espy
Leaf through newspapers as baristas bang, pump and grind fresh morning coffees on Degraves Street
Rummage through designer fashion boutiques in the city's...Read more

Dominican Republic and Haiti

by Paul Clammer and Jens Porup

Published 21 October 2005
This guide to the Dominican Republic and Haiti provides information on the best locales for surfing & diving, the most interesting & challenging hikes in the Central Highlands, where to see the orchids of Punte Rucia, & coverage of national parks.


by Anthony Ham

Published 20 October 2006
A comprehensive guide to the Spanish capital, Europe's fifth most visited city. Includes insider tips on the best places to eat, watch flamenco, drink and dance.


by Matt Oakley and Et Al

Published 1 August 2003
Singapore is one of Asia's fastest growing business and travel destinations. This edition includes expanded cuisine and restaurant coverage, and hundreds of accommodation options for all budgets.

Caribbean Islands

by Ryan Ver Berkmoes and Et Al

Published 24 October 2008
This guide covers the Caribbean Islands, including Martinique, where the biggest attraction is the ruined site of Saint-Pierre, Trinidad and Tobago with its superb variety of animal life, and Dominica, a destination for divers, hikers and naturalists.


by Duncan Garwood and Abigail Hole

Published 23 January 2004
This city guide to Rome is packed with the best places to wine and dine, from trendy bars to five-star restaurants. There is an historical overview of the city, an extensive map section for finding all the hot spots, and a comprehensive language guide.