Master Bridge
34 total works
The Power of Positive Bidding
by Wladyslaw Izdebski, Dariusz Kardas, Wlodzimierz Krysztofczyk, and Ron Klinger
Many players feel trepidation when faced with playing a no-trumps contract. In this book Ron Klinger shows you how to approach such contracts without fear. The correct lines and logical thinking are explained clearly and you will not only make your contracts, but also score overtricks as well.
This book is about the strategy of succeeding as declarer when you play no-trumps. The first section deals with the approach you should adopt before you even play a card from dummy. Then follow heaps of practical examples, problems for you to solve, deals that arose in major competitions where the very best players did not always find the right answer. Most importantly, the solutions include the logic behind the right play, the clues to locate the missing cards and ideas on how to induce opposition error when you have no legitimate chance for success.
In this book, Australian expert Ron Klinger shows you how to come out on top more often. Where you might have felt reluctance when playing no-trumps, you will emerge with a new sense of confidence. No-trumps will no longer hold any fears for you.
The opening lead is one of the toughest areas of the game. By following the guide-lines in this book not only will you find the winning lead more often, but also you will be able to avoid the futile or dangerous leads which make declarer's task easier. By giving less away with the opening lead, your scores are bound to improve.
This book is about the logic and methods for finding the best lead time and time again. The first section deals with the approach you should adopt before you even consider plucking a card from your hand. It provides a series of steps to enable you to come up with the best start. This is followed by a section of practical problems that arose in major competitions where the very best players did not always find the right answer. Most importantly, the solutions to each problem include the logic behind the right choice and the clues that should point you in the right direction. After completing this book, perhaps you will not find the killing lead every time, but you will find it more often.
There are definite benefits in allowing a One No-Trump opening to include a 5-card major. More and more experts at international level have adopted such a style.
If you are an ambitious player and are keen to improve the range of your no-trump bidding you will need a method to locate a 5-card major with opener or to discover a 4-4 major fit.
5-Card Major Stayman provides an easy structure that allows you to do just that and still enables you to use transfers to either major, even after a INT:2C response.
The Deadly Defence Quiz Book
by Wladyslaw Izdebski, Roman Krzemien, and Ron Klinger
About to go out and have a game of bridge? Just like an athlete needs to warm up before an important event, so a bridge player can improve performance by a warm-up of the little grey cells. Delve into this book, solve a problem or two, and you will be better placed to have a good game.
The book contains more than 80 problems from recent tournaments, and covers constructive and competitive bidding, opening leads, defensive and declarer play. Working through the problems is bound to improve your game.
You will also find the lighter side of bridge after each solution. Hopefully these will brighten your day if your session with your partner has not done so!