Book 1


by Douglas Preston

Published 5 January 2010
When a brilliant meteor lights up the Maine coast, and NASA images reveal an unnatural feature hidden in the depths of a crater on Mars, it's just the start of the adventure for a former CIA operative, technicians, and many others.

Book 1

Tyrannosaur Canyon

by Douglas Preston

Published 23 August 2005
After surviving a murderous ordeal in Costa Rica's jungles, Tom and Sally Broadbent return home, seeking peace and quiet in the arid canyons of New Mexico. Unfortunately, they will find unimaginable horror and trouble in the very place they sought solace...The greatest scientific discovery of all time will lead...Read more

Book 2


by Douglas Preston

Published 8 January 2008

Think of the greatest possible scientific discovery . . . they made one even greater.

The world's biggest supercollider, hidden in an Arizona mountain, was built to unlock the secrets of the very moment of creation: the Big Bang itself. Isabella is the most expensive machine ever...

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Book 4

The Kraken Project

by Douglas Preston

Published 13 May 2014

NASA is building a probe to be splashed down in the Kraken Mare, the largest sea on Saturn's great moon, Titan. It is one of the most promising habitats for extraterrestrial life in the solar system, but the surface is unstable and dangerous, requiring the probe to be outfitted...

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Wyman Ford ha vuelto para protagonizar un nuevo y electrizante thriller de Douglas Preston, en el que un programa de inteligencia artificial creado por la NASA cobra vida propia y se convierte en la presa más codiciada del ciberespacio. Melissa Shepherd lidera el equipo de la NASA que ha...Read more