Just Another Sucker

by James Hadley Chase

Published September 1968

A man will do almost anything when a rich and beautiful woman offers him fifty thousand dollars just to make a telephone call. But when that telephone call is part of a fake kidnap plan to extract five hundred thousand dollars from one of the richest men in the world, only a sucker would gamble on the deal paying off in his favour.

Harry Barber is a sucker. After three and a half years in jail for a crime he didn't commit, with no job and no money, he is the perfect target of a brilliant plan to frame him for the brutal murder of a young girl.

Shock Treatment

by James Hadley Chase

Published August 1968

Terry Regan, who'd dropped into the Delaneys' cabin up at Blue Jay Lake to sell them a TV set, took in the situation at a glance. Gilda was young and stunningly attractive. Jack Delany was a vicious, hard-drinking cripple, imprisoned in a wheelchair.

Regan should have left them ... but he didn't.

Have a Change of Scene

by James Hadley Chase

Published 26 April 1973

Larry Carr is a diamond expert in need of a break. So when his psychiatrist suggests he has a change of scene, he jumps at the opportunity to move to Luceville, a struggling industrial town, and become a social worker. This, he thinks, will give him all the rest he needs.

But soon he runs into Rhea Morgan, a ruthless, vicious thief who also happens to be extremely attractive. He falls headlong into the criminal world and embarks upon a thrilling, rapid and dastardly adventure ...

Hand Me a Fig Leaf

by James Hadley Chase

Published 5 November 1981
When Johnny Jackson unaccountably disappears, his grandfather contacts the police for help. As they prove to be uninterested, he turns instead to Colonel Parnell of the Parnell Detective Agency. It seems at first to be a simple case of a missing person - but they soon find themselves in the middle of a complicated web of deceit, intrigue and murder.

Clay Burden married his wife Rhonda because he was tired of being on his own. Val had walked out on him - and if he couldn't have Val, maybe marriage might make him forget her. Six years later, working in Paradise City, Clay meets Val again. Married to the sinister Henry Vidal, she's changed: still beautiful and passionate, still compelling, but tense and nervous and driven by odd fears and anxieties.

When Clay leaves his job and joins the Vidal empire, what begins as a sneaking feeling of unease hardens into stone cold certainty. Val must be released from the hypnotic influence exerted over her by her husband - even if Clay has to murder to set her free ...

Kidnapping has become a national pastime in Italy - but is there another reason why billionaire Carlo Grandi has put his beautiful daughter behind an electric fence, guarded by killer dogs and two fast-shooting guards?

Mike Frost, always on the look-out for big money and beautiful women, gets the job as second gun - and soon realises he is guarding a hell cat. When kidnappers sold him the idea of being the inside man, Frost hadn't known which he wanted most - that beautiful body or the $5,000,000 it could bring him.