The Nightmare Clock

by David Logan

Published 1 October 2015

Since running away from home at the age of 13, Junk has jumped through space and time to find his sister Ambeline ...

Or has he? When Junk wakes up to find himself locked in a high security facility, he starts to question everything he believed to be true. But there is one thing he is sure of: he didn't kill his sister, and he needs to find her.

In this high-octane finale to the League of Sharks trilogy, Junk and his friends find themselves battling more than just the odds. They're running out of time. A nightmarish countdown has begun.

The League of Sharks

by David Logan

Published 2 January 2014

Junk's sister has been stolen. Snatched from her bed in the dead of night, Ambeline doesn't stand a chance.

No one believes Junk saw a monster take his sister. No one believes he's not to blame.

So begins Junk's quest to find Ambeline's kidnapper. His journey will take him to a future world where animal species have evolved, and where the cult of the League of Sharks - the cult that stole Junk's sister - is etched into folklore...

The Nine Emperors

by David Logan

Published 31 July 2014

Junk has jumped through space and time to find his sister Ambeline.

She has been taken to a country ruled by the nine emperors. Junk and his friends Garvan and Lasel set off to find her.

On his quest, Junk will fight off lions, morph into a cyborg, discover the secret of the universe, and play with time itself.

Join Junk on an adventure full of humour and heart-pounding action.