A business plan is a comprehensive blueprint for how you will run your family child care business. This guide outlines each step for writing your own and explains how to use it to manage your business more effectively, whether you are just starting out or have an established operation. You will find information on the considerations that you should weigh before you decide to become a family child care provider; how to write a start-up plan; how to create a first-year budget and estimate your first-year business income and expenses; and how to use your annual budget as a tool to help communicate with your clients and manage your business more effectively.

Maximize your family child care (daycare) program's enrollment and income with proven tips from Tom Copeland.

Whether you are just starting out or have an established business, this resource provides the best marketing strategies for promoting your program and filling it to capacity - even during tough economic times. This second edition of Family Child Care Marketing Guide includes information to help you
  • Identify and communicate the benefits of your program to prospective, current, and former clients
  • Market your business using low-cost promotions, the Internet, and social media
  • Network with professional organization and agencies
  • Determine what rates you should charge
  • Resolve common marketing issues and evaluate your marketing plan
This guise also contains checklists, worksheets, and forms to complement your marketing plan.

As tax season approaches each year, thousands of family child care providers save time and money using the Family Child Care Tax Workbook and Organizer. The most comprehensive resource available, this book contains up-to-date guidance so you can accurately complete your own tax return and take advantage of all the business deductions that you're entitled to claim. It contains information about new tax laws, tips to help you save money, and tools that will take the guesswork out of doing your taxes.

There are many unique tax rules that affect your family child care business: Time-Space percentage, Food Program and food expenses, general house expenses, and more. The Family Child Care 2013 Tax Companion is a comprehensive tool that will help your tax preparer understand your business. Using this resource will increase your confidence in the tax professional who prepares your return, help you identify potential errors before your taxes are filed, and ensure that your tax preparer is claiming all allowable deductions.