I Love Craft: Toys

by Rita Storey

Published 1 April 2014

Why wait for the perfect toys to play with when you can make them yourself - much more cheapily? It's double the fun, as making them is as much fun as playing with them!
I love Craft Toys features instructions for creating 12 fantastic toys, from pom-pom pets, monster trucks to puppets. The projects cover a wide range of different crafts so there is something for everyone. Each craft is explained with illustrated step-by-step instructions.
The book is part of the I love Craft series - fantastically fun project craft books for children aged 7+.

I Love Craft: Sewing

by Rita Storey

Published 24 July 2014

Would you like to try sewing but don't know where to start? This book is full of brilliant beginner sewing projects that will be the envy of your friends.
'I Love Craft Sewing' features instructions for fantastic sewing projects from a needle case and yo-yo necklace to a flower cushion and a shoe bag. Each craft is explained with illustrated step-by-step instructions.The book also provides instructions for the different sewing stitches, sewing on a button and fastening off.
The book is part of the I Love Craft series - fantastically fun project craft books for children aged 7+.

I love Craft: Painting and Drawing features instructions for 13 fantastic beginner craft projects, from a fabric wall hanging and pop art poster to bubble painting and bunting. The projects cover a wide range of different painting and drawing techniques and each is explained with illustrated step-by-step instructions. Why not get out your paintbrushes and pencils and have a go?
The book is part of the I Love Craft series - fantastically fun project craft books for children aged 7+.

I Love Craft: Knitting

by Rita Storey

Published 29 May 2014

Would you like to try knitting but don't know where to start? This book is perfect for beginner knitters. It features fantastic projects that will be the envy of your friends.
I Love Craft Knitting features instructions for creating 12 knitted crafts from a finger-knit brooch, a scarf and mittens to a family of owls, you'll be amazed how creative you can be. The projects cover different knitting styles and include clothes, accessories and toys so there is something for everyone. Each craft is explained with illustrated step-by-step instructions.

The book is part of the I Love Craft series - fantastically fun project craft books for children aged 7+.

I Love Craft: Masks

by Rita Storey

Published 1 March 2014

Making masks is easy with these creative projects which are explained with illustrated step-by-step instructions.
I love Craft Masks features instructions for making fantastic masks. You could be a fairy, a pirate, a dragon or a cat. You could even make crazy glasses or a carnival mask!
The book is part of the I love Craft series - fantastically fun project craft books for children aged 7+.

Why hunt for the perfect card to send to someone when you can make it yourself? It's much cheaper - and more fun! I love Craft: Cards and Wrapping Paper features instructions for creative craft projects, from monster hug and swimming fish cards to marbled wrapping paper and party bags. The projects cover different techniques and each is explained with illustrated step-by-step instructions.
The book is part of the I Love Craft series - fantastically fun project craft books for children aged 7+.