Book 267


by Roberto Bolano

Published 1 February 2005
Auxilio Lacouture, “madre de todos los mexicanos”, uruguaya de nacimiento y residente en México D. F., está abonada a los trabajos humildes y esporádicos durante el día e incansablemente inmersa en la bohemia de la ciudad durante la noche. Todo cambia para ella el 18 de septiembre de 1968, cuando el ejército toma posesión del campus de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y ella queda encerrada en los baños de la facultad de filosofía y letras. A lo largo de trece días de encierro y aislamiento forzados, ante sus ojos transitan la poetisa Lilian Serpas, amante del Che Guevara; los poetas españoles León Felipe y Pedro Garfias; el malogrado alter ego de Bolaño Arturo Belano. De este modo, Auxilio reflexiona sobre la senda y los pasos dejados atrás y sobre los que, aún y cada vez más, restan sumidos en las sombras de un país de incierto futuro.

Book 366


by Roberto Bolano

Published 15 June 2006

Written in the last years of Roberto Bolano's life, 2666 was greeted across Europe and Latin America as the great writer's masterpiece, surpassing even his previous work in imagination, beauty, and scope.

At the centre of the book is the fictional city of Santa Teresa on the Mexico-US border. It is an urban sprawl that draws in lost souls like a vortex: convicts and academics, an American sportswriter, a teenage student with her widowed father, and a reclusive, 'missing' writer. But there is a darker side still. As in the real town of Juarez, on which Santa Teresa is based, girls and women are disappearing at an alarming rate...

A creeping sense of conspiracy permeates 2666, from the apocalyptic overtones of its title, to the ways in which Santa Teresa becomes an emblem of the corruption, violence and decadence of twentieth century European history. This is a novel on an astonishing scale from a passionate, visionary writer, one who unerringly 'adjusts your angle of view on the world'.

'A tour de force - though the phrase seems hardly adequate to describe the novel's narrative velocity, polyphonic range, inventiveness, and bravery' New York Review of Books

Santa Teresa, on the Mexico-US border: an urban sprawl that draws lost souls to it like a vortex. Convicts and academics find themselves here, as does an American sportswriter, a teenage student with her widowed father, and a reclusive, `missing' author. But there is a darker side to the town. As in the real town of Juarez, on which Santa Teresa is based, girls and women are disappearing at an alarming rate . . .

As 2666 progresses, as the sense of conspiracy grows, as the shadow of the apocalypse draws closer, Santa Teresa becomes an emblem of the corruption, violence and decadence of twentieth-century European history.

Written on an astonishing scale, and - in the last years of Roberto Bolano's life - with burning, visionary commitment, 2666 has been greeted across Europe and Latin America as the writer's masterpiece, surpassing even his previous work in imagination, beauty, and scope.

`One of those strange, exquisite, and astonishing experiences that literature offers us only once in a very long time' El Pais

`Bolano's masterwork. An often shockingly raunchy and violent tour de force (though the phrase seems hardly adequate to describe the novel's narrative velocity, polyphonic range, inventiveness, and bravery)' New York Review of Books

`Not just the great Spanish-language novel of this decade, but one of the cornerstones that define an entire literature. 2666 is a magisterial and inimitable' La Vanguardia

`Endlessly in love with people and books, Bolano's last novel ranges over the world and history' Le Monde des Livres

`A work of genius: the work of a master whose voice has all the authority and seeming effortlessness that we associate with the great classics of the ages' Blanco y Negro

`Bolano makes you feel changed for having read him; he adjusts your angle of view on the world' Guardian

Book 457

Una novelita lumpen

by Roberto Bolano

Published 23 June 2009