Book 7

The Stone Age and Bronze Age

by Jen Green

Published 23 April 2015

What do you know about the Stone Age and Bronze Age? Explore the incredible history of Britain and Europe during these times and find out how people lived, worked, created and celebrated in this fascinating period in history. Hunter-gathering, stone tools, cave paintings and of course crafting objects from bronze are all covered in this book, along with extra information about the era, such as the ice ages and the invention of the wheel. Craft activities support and enhance each section to bring what you've read to life.

Part of the series Discover Through Craft. Eight books that explore key curriculum topics using a mixture of activities, quizzes, facts and crafts. For children aged 7-9.Craft activities support and enhance each section to bring what you've read to life

Part of the series Discover Through Craft. Eight books that explore key curriculum topics using a mixture of activities, quizzes, facts and crafts. For children aged 7-9.

Book 8

The Celts and the Iron Age

by Jen Green

Published 23 April 2015

What do you know about the Celts and the Iron Age? Explore the incredible history of Britain and Europe during this time and find out how people lived, worked, created and celebrated in this fascinating period in history. Hillforts, farming, war and of course crafting objects from iron are all covered in this book, along with information about the Roman's invading towards the end of the era. Craft activities support and enhance each section to bring what you've read to life.

Part of the series Discover Through Craft. Eight books that explore key curriculum topics using a mixture of activities, quizzes, facts and crafts. For children aged 7-9.

What do you know about the Celts and the Iron Age? Explore the incredible history of Britain during these times and find out how people lived, worked, created and celebrated in this fascinating period in history. Bronze and iron tools, farming, Celtic tribes, warfare, the Roman invasion, society, and hill forts are all covered in this book along with quizzes and lots of facts.

Craft activities support and enhance each section to bring what you've read to life. You can make: a chieftain's helmet, a celtic brooch, authentic oatcakes, a twisted torc, a sacrificial shield and a hill figure picture.

Part of the series Discover Through Craft. Eight books that explore key curriculum topics using a mixture of activities, quizzes, facts and crafts. For children aged 7-9.

Discover Through Craft: Plants

by Jen Green

Published 23 October 2014

What are plants? Do you know the difference between an evergreen tree and a deciduous tree? How do insects help pollinate flowers and what role do birds and other animals have in helping plants? Explore the amazing variety of plants and the habitats they grow in and find out how plants get nutrients, which they need to grow and stay healthy. Discover why plants are so important to us - for food, medicine and clothing, too.

Part of the series Discover Through Craft. Six books that explore key curriculum topics using a mixture of activities, quizzes, facts and crafts. For children aged 7-9.

What do you know about the Stone Age and Bronze Age? Explore the incredible history of Britain during these times and find out how people lived, worked, created and celebrated in this fascinating period in history. Hunter-gathering, stone tools, cave paintings and of course crafting objects from bronze are all covered in this book, along with extra information about the era, such as the ice ages and the invention of the wheel.

Craft activities support and enhance each section to bring what you've read to life. You can make: a 'stone' axe, a cave art-style handprint painting, a 'bronze sword', a wheeled cart, a pot and a model of Stonehenge.

Part of the series Discover Through Craft. Eight books that explore key curriculum topics using a mixture of activities, quizzes, facts and crafts. For children aged 7-9.

What do you know about the seaside? Explore the amazing variety of habitats, plants and animals that call coastlines around the world home and find out how they are adapted to survive there. Explore what makes sand such an amazing material, food chains, seashells and seaweed. Discover why beaches and seaside resorts are such popular holiday destinations and the jobs that people do there..

Part of the series Discover Through Craft. Six books that explore key curriculum topics using a mixture of activities, quizzes, facts and crafts. For children aged 7-9.