GCSE Science 9-1
4 total works
AQA GCSE Biology 9-1 for Combined Science Grade 5 Booster Workbook
by Heidi Foxford and Shaista Shirazi
Exam Board: AQA
Level & Subject: GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy
First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018
This Workbook will support and motivate students to reach their full potential with targeted questions and support.
- Provides plenty of practice opportunities for short- and long-answer questions on every topic
- Builds confidence...
Exam Board: AQA
Level & Subject: GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy
First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018
This Workbook will support and motivate students to reach their full potential with targeted questions and support.
- Provides plenty of practice opportunities for short- and long-answer questions on every topic
- Builds confidence with worked examples demonstrating how to answer different types of questions
- Further support from hints and tips explaining command words, advising how to approach questions and more
The questions begin with confidence-building, lower demand questions and they are ramped throughout each topic. The workbook provides coverage of maths and practical skills as well as offering synoptic questions. The range of questions available encourages students to develop their skills in applying and analysing as well as recall.
Frequent support notes provide hints and tips on strategies for decoding questions (for example by identifying key words in the question), key terminology, and how to write explanations and give the right amount of detail.
AQA GCSE Biology 9-1 Grade 5 Booster Workbook
by Heidi Foxford and Shaista Shirazi
This Workbook will support and motivate students to reach their full potential with targeted questions and support.
- Provides plenty of practice opportunities for short- and long-answer questions on every topic
- Builds confidence with worked examples demonstrating how to answer different types of questions
- Further support from hints and...
This Workbook will support and motivate students to reach their full potential with targeted questions and support.
- Provides plenty of practice opportunities for short- and long-answer questions on every topic
- Builds confidence with worked examples demonstrating how to answer different types of questions
- Further support from hints and tips explaining command words, advising how to approach questions and more
The questions begin with confidence-building, lower demand questions and they are ramped throughout each topic. The workbook provides coverage of maths and practical skills as well as offering synoptic questions. The range of questions available encourages students to develop their skills in applying and analysing as well as recall.
Frequent support notes provide hints and tips on strategies for decoding questions (for example by identifying key words in the question), key terminology, and how to write explanations and give the right amount of detail.
AQA GCSE (9-1) Biology Grade 6-7 Booster Workbook
by Mike Smith and Shaista Shirazi
This Workbook will support and motivate students working towards grades 6-7 students to reach their full potential and achieve success with targeted questions and support.
Exam Board: AQA
Level & Subject: GCSE Science
First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018
- Provides plenty of practice opportunities for short- and long-answer questions...
This Workbook will support and motivate students working towards grades 6-7 students to reach their full potential and achieve success with targeted questions and support.
Exam Board: AQA
Level & Subject: GCSE Science
First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018
- Provides plenty of practice opportunities for short- and long-answer questions on every topic
- Helps students improve and focus their answers with worked examples
- Further support from hints and tips on how to structure answers, provide the right level of detail and more
The range of questions available encourages students to develop their skills in applying and analysing as well as recall. The workbook provides coverage of maths and practical skills as well as synoptic questions.
Frequent support notes provide hints and tips on strategies for decoding questions (for example by identifying key words in the question), key terminology, and how to write explanations and give the right amount of detail.
AQA GCSE Life and Environmental Sciences for Combined Science: Synergy 9-1 Student Book
by Gina Walker, Katy Bloom, and Shaista Shirazi
Exam Board: AQA
Level & Subject: GCSE Combined Science: Synergy
First teaching: September 2016 Next exams: June 2025
AQA approved
This book covers Unit 1 of the new 2016 GCSE Combined Science: Synergy course. The grouping of content follows that in the specification. Topic openers set the scene by...
Read moreExam Board: AQA
Level & Subject: GCSE Combined Science: Synergy
First teaching: September 2016 Next exams: June 2025
AQA approved
This book covers Unit 1 of the new 2016 GCSE Combined Science: Synergy course. The grouping of content follows that in the specification. Topic openers set the scene by providing a short overview of the links between the different chapters in a Topic. Linking questions between spreads and from chapter to chapter also help explain the narrative thread that links a Synergy topic together. Working Scientifically objectives linked to the AQA Combined Science: Synergy specification are identified, and questions addressing Working Scientifically skills embedded throughout.
* Each spread is divided into three sections – starting with language, ideas and questions that are accessible to all and increasing in complexity to develop and practise ideas further.
* Key concept spreads highlight core ideas that students must grasp before they can move on, and which will develop their understanding of the whole topic.
* A dedicated spread for every required practical helps students analyse the practical, reflect on the science skills and knowledge they have developed and apply these skills to different contexts.
* Maths skills spreads focus on the maths requirements of the AQA Combined Science specification, explaining concepts and providing opportunities to practise and apply maths in a relevant scientific context.
* Throughout the book the questions become increasingly synoptic, helping students to draw together ideas from any part of Unit 1 in preparation for the terminal exams.
* Higher-only content is clearly flagged so students can move seamlessly between tiers depending on their performance during the course.
* End of chapter questions allow students to check that they have understood the ideas in the chapter and can apply these to new contexts. The questions are levelled in four sections of increasing demand. Questions on Higher-only content are also clearly flagged.