Book 36


by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo

Published October 1968
The naked body of a young woman is dredged up from a Swedish canal. She has been sexually assaulted and strangled. But no one has reported her missing and Martin Beck of the Stockholm homicide squad can find no clue to her identity. But then patience, a little luck and good, honest police work turn up a broken-down pleasure boat, information from Nebraska and some tourist's photographs, and gradually Beck's investigation comes to its troubling conclusion.

The Laughing Policeman

by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo

Published 21 January 1971
The fourth in the Martin Beck series. One blustery November evening someone guns down eight occupants of a Stockholm bus - one of whom was a colleague of Martin Beck's. Eight people together purely by coincidence - perhaps. But, above all, why was that policeman - a solitary and ambitious man - on that bus?