Zoom in On: Body Bugs

by Richard Spilsbury

Published 14 June 2012

Did you know bed bugs can live for a year without eating? Or that head lice use their huge claws to cling on to hairs? Or that around 1 billion bacteria live on each one of your teeth?

This book zooms in on some of the weird and wonderful creatures - such as ticks, mites, lice and viruses - that live on and in our bodies. Learn about the creepy crawlies that live in your eyelashes, and meet the worms that feast on half-digested food in your gut.

The Zoom In On series shines a powerful light on a world so small that it's normally invisible. Scientists can zoom in on the strange creatures that live there. Now you can look down the microscope and see them too, if you dare...

Did you know that dung beetles eat their own weight in poo every day? Or that dragonflies are expert fliers, but they can't walk? Or that ladybirds can squirt yellow blood out of their knees?

This book zooms in on the weird and wonderful world of minibeasts - such as dragonflies, earwigs, fireflies and army ants - and the strange features that help them survive. Learn how the assassin bug sucks out its victims' insides, and meet the stylops parasite that can control bees' minds.

The Zoom In On series shines a powerful light on a world so small that it's normally invisible. Scientists can zoom in on the strange creatures that live there. Now you can look down the microscope and see them too, if you dare...

Crime Scene Clues

by Richard Spilsbury

Published 14 June 2012
Crime Scenes zooms in on tiny things - such as hair, skin, broken glass and dust - that reveal the truth about crimes. Learn about the bacteria that tell scientists where someone was killed, and meet the maggots that tell police the time of death.

Bugs in your Home

by Richard Spilsbury

Published 12 July 2012
House of Horrors zooms in on some of the weird and wonderful creatures - such as spiders, silverfish, dust mites and woodworms - that share our houses. Learn how to follow a cockroach trail, and meet the beetles that love feasting on carpets.

Incredible Insects

by Richard Spilsbury

Published 12 July 2012
Bizarre Bugs zooms in on the weird and wonderful world of minibeasts - such as dragonflies, earwigs, fireflies and army ants - and the strange features that help them survive. Learn how the assassin bug sucks out its victims' insides, and meet the stylops parasite that can control bees' minds.