Rixi Markus, one of the all-time great names in bridge said of this book: 'I found myself agreeing with almost everything in this useful reference book; anyone who learns all the rules set out here will have the makings of an ideal bridge partner.' Ron Klinger has brought the bidding methods up to date to accord with current standard practice and has included sections on hand evaluation and competitive bidding strategy.

Here is a simple guide to solving the problems that arise in assessing the odds in play at bridge. Keeping theory to a minimum, the authors show by means of many practical examples how to calculate the odds and how to come up with the right answer at the bridge table. Anyone who learns to apply the principles set out in this book need never again be accused of playing against the odds. 'The most useful publication in the past twelve months ...I unhesitatingly award my accolade to Bridge Odds for Practical Players because every player should know the material it contains. This cannot be found elsewhere.' The Times

If you want to win more often at bridge you will need to deepen your understanding of the game and to learn where not to follow conventions slavishly in bidding, defence and dummy play. Both Terence Reese and Roger Trezel were brilliant players and Reese possessed a legendary skill in imparting a great knowledge of bridge with supreme lucidity. As every keen bridge player knows, Ron Klinger is no slouch in playing and writing about bridge and is renowned as one of the world's leading bridge teachers. His achievement in incorporating the changes over the past two or more decades, particularly in bidding, into this treasury of bridge wisdom is on a par with the status of this great book.

Bridge for the Connoisseur

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 21 March 1991
BRIDGE FOR THE CONNOISSEUR is a book with a special appeal for those who appreciate the finer points of the game. The text comprises 58 deals remarkable not only for their artistic value but also because they allow Hugh Kelsey to enhance them with instructive points on bidding, play and defence. Many of the hands come from international tournaments and reflect the brilliancies and blunders of the stars.

More Killing Defence at Bridge

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 6 November 1972
How many times have you found yourself defending and wriggling with anguish at having to discard apparently certain winners? Hugh Kelsey's target here is to help you avoid such pain - and other agonies that a competent declarer may inflict. Sound defence is the hallmark of the accomplished bridge player and consistent performance, at any game, is only achieved through repeated practice. By helping you to develop insights into the hidden possibilities in the lie and play of the cards, this book will make you a sought-after partner - and a respected (and feared!) opponent.

This book gives a full account of modern Acol and of the whole range of defensive and competitive bidding. It is suitable for players up to a high standard but will readily be understood by less experienced players as each topic starts with the fundamentals.

The play of the cards is covered in all important aspects, with an emphasis on mental approach and on principles of wide application. Deals are presented in a way that allows the reader to develop his thoughts and arrive at solutions. There are many hints of practical value that will stay in the mind.

Acol Bridge Made Easy

by Ron Klinger

Published 1 October 1986

'Many games provide fun, but Bridge grips you. It exercises your mind. Your mind can rust, you know, but Bridge prevents the rust from forming' Omar Sharif

'Bridge is the most entertaining and intelligent card game the wit of man has so far devised' W. Somerset Maugham

More and more people are finding out what a great joy it is to be able to play bridge. You can learn at any age, but one thing is sure - you will wish you had started earlier.

Bridge is the most stimulating, most intriguing, most fascinating and most challenging of all card games. It will give you more lasting pleasure than any other recreation because of its unending variety.

Once you start playing, you will want to play again and again...

100 Winning Bridge Tips

by Ron Klinger

Published 1 September 1987
This latest edition of an outstanding book contains some new tips which reflect the changes in the game since the original publication in 1987. Learning from bitter experience at the bridge table is a slow, painful and often costly business. The 100 winning tips are designed to cover specific situations in bidding, play and defence - the sort of problems that arise over and over again in everyday play, providing a painless substitute for experience.

Logical Bridge Play

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 5 January 1976
As Hugh Kelsey says in his introduction, the brilliant card player achieves his results with a combination of logic and flair. And although many people may think flair plays a disproportionate part, the expert player, in fact, produces his sometimes unbelievable results almost entirely by the application of logic. LOGICAL BRIDGE PLAY teaches you just how to apply logic to your card play in making the correct inferences and deductions, and in assessing the timing - the opportunity to become a master player is yours for the taking.

Start Bridge the Easy Way

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 7 April 1983

Killing Defence at Bridge

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 20 May 1975
Killing Defence at Bridge is one of the great all-time classics of bridge. It carries the mark of a genius and was the first in a series of major books written by Hugh Kelsey, who became internationally recognised as a leading authority on the analysis of bridge. He coupled this incisive thinking with a brilliant skill with words - hardly surprising as he had hitherto only written novels - and made the most complex techniques in bridge sound simple and easy to grasp. Ron Klinger has contributed a forward to this remarkable book, which is as relevant today as when it was first published.

Simple Squeezes

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 6 June 1985

This text demonstrates the bidding methods and strategy needed to do well in pairs whether the bidding involves only your side or both sides. Bidding today is far more competitive than in the past, and invariably the player not familiar with the best methods will lag behind. Declarer play and defence also have their own special requirements at duplicate and these are covered in this book.;Part of the "Master Bridge" series, this book was chosen by the American Bridge Teachers' Association as their Bridge Book of the Year.

Test Your Card Play

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 1 October 1990
The fourth in a series of bridge problems, old and new, by grand master Hugh Kelsey. The hands cover a wide range of technique in both dummy play and defence, and are presented in quiz format.

Acol Bridge Flipper

by Ron Klinger

Published 14 June 1984
The unique fast fact finder which enables players to check rapidly important points in bidding and play. Acol Bridge Flipper is aimed at the vast number of people who already play and who want to improve.

Guide to Better Card Play

by Ron Klinger

Published September 1990
The aim of this book is to do for the play of cards what Ron Klinger's "Guide to Better Acol Bridge" did for bidding - to turn an average or indifferent card player into a respected or even feared opponent. It covers declarer play and defensive technique for players who are beyond the basics, with two sections on declarer play and two on defence. The aspects included are opening leads, signalling, discarding and other defensive manoeuvres, as well as declarer's card combinations, inferences, card-reading, deceptive strategies and many others. The guide not only provides rules and guidelines, but illustrates the logic of when to depart from the rules. It emphasizes the need to distinguish between bad play and bad luck, and that a recognition that the occasional failure is due to the lie of the cards and not to mismanagement can increase a player's confidence and faith in his own ability. 160 complete deals which can be set up and replayed with reference to the text are provided for practice, together with over 500 exercises, quizzes, play hands and revision exercises

Playing to Win at Bridge

by Ron Klinger

Published 26 July 1976
Bridge World, leading Bridge magazine, said of the first edition: ' ...is as good a quiz book as has ever appeared ...Instead of examples of well-known ideas, the author presents truly practical situations ...the questions emphasise those aspects of bridge play that are truly important at the table. Our quibbles with the analysis are minor, and we recommend the book as outstanding of its kind.'

Five Card Majors

by Ron Klinger

Published 23 April 1992
This "Fast Fact Finder" is designed for reference and for quick checks at the bridge table. Five-Card Majors is a particularly accurate system of bidding which leads to a greater understanding between partners - this is why it is used by so many top players at the highest competitive levels.