Book 2

Book 4

These powerful and drama-packed retellings feature a host of well-known Greek gods and goddesses, magically brought to life by Tony Ross's lively illustrations. Athena and the Olive Tree/Who is the Fairest One of All?/The Woman No One Believed: Athena, goddess of war, and Poseidon, god of the sea, hattle...Read more

Book 5

These powerful and drama-packed retellings feature a host of well-known Greek gods and goddesses, magically brought to life by Tony Ross's lively illustrations. Phaeton and the Sun Chariot/Zeus Shining/Dionysus and the Pirates: What happens when you want what you can't have? Spoilt Phaeton, lovelorn Semele, and a band of...Read more

Book 6

These powerful and drama-packed retellings feature a host of well-known Greek gods and goddesses, magically brought to life by Tony Ross's lively illustrations. Hermes Tricks the Gods/Two Loves of Apollo/Halcyone Days: Jokey little Hermes brings a smile to everyone's face. But it's destined to all end in tears for...Read more

Book 7

With highly expressive and funny illustratio ns by Tony Ross this series will provide an introduction to an important part of cultural heritage. In this book learn w hether or not Perseus will carry out the king''s dare to kill the snake-haired Medusa. '

Book 8

From the bestselling author/illustrator team of Geraldine McCaughrean and Tony Ross, this book explains how Pluto''s love for Persephone caused the seasons to change , and how Atlanta''s hand in marriage is won. '

Book 10

With highly expressive and funny illustratio ns by Tony Ross this series will provide an introduction to an important part of cultural heritage. In this book we meet the brave and powerful Heracles and the vain and shallow Na rcissus. '

Book 12

The Wooden Horse

by Geraldine McCaughrean

Published 29 October 1998
McCaughrean has retold many classic stories, including The Canterbury Tales and The Arabian Nights. In t his volume, she retells the story of the ending of the Battl e of Troy. She also reveals how Pandora''s curiosity brought cruelty into the world. '

Book 15

The stories in this collection tell of the b rave but ungrateful hero Theseus, the love between Orpheus a nd Eurydice, and the revenge of Cupid in ''Apollo and Daphne'' . '