Book 93


by Don Pendleton

Published 1 November 2003

Book 95

Silent Running

by Don Pendleton

Published 23 February 2004


Coordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well as key cities along the U.S. border from Miami to Los Angeles are being overrun in a massive incursion. To ensure the success of his revolution to seize control of Latin America, mastermind Diego Garcia has captured thousands of civilians to use as human shields at his Mexican stronghold.

Against the background of pending national turmoil, Mack Bolan's job appears simple: rescue key Western lawmakers being held hostage and remove innocents from the line of fire. But as blood and violence reshape the geopolitical landscape, the mission soon becomes a determined fight for America's freedom.

Book 97

Zero Option

by Don Pendleton

Published 24 June 2004


The President has personally pulled Mack Bolan in on this one-a national security crisis involving the most advanced piece of technology ever conceived. Zero Platform is about to become the first orbiting weapons system operated by human/machine interface.

Zero's command center has been razed to the ground, but the person willing to become the first human prototype of biocybernetic engineering survived the attack. Now Doug Buchanan is running for his life, a wanted man on three fronts: by America's enemies determined to destroy Zero's capabilities; by traitors inside Washington plotting a hostile takeover of the U.S. government; and by the only individual who can save Buchanan-and America-from the unthinkable.

Book 99

Circle of Deception

by Don Pendleton

Published 25 October 2004

Book 100

Devil's Bargain

by Don Pendleton

Published 11 January 2005


Alpha Deep Six. Wet work specialists so covert, they were thought dead. Now this paramilitary group of black ops assassins and saboteurs has been resurrected in a conspiracy engineered somewhere in the darkest corners of military intelligence. Their mission: unleash Armageddon.

They've got America's most determined enemies ready to jump-start the nightmare, and the countdown has begun. Blood and terror are pouring through America's streets. A presidential directive has cut through red tape, dropped Mack Bolan square in charge. His orders are clear: abort the enemy's twisted dreams.

If Bolan survives, then it gets really personal. Because Alpha Deep Six has a hostage. A Stony Man operative...

Book 101

False Front

by Don Pendleton

Published 8 March 2005


Intelligence circles are buzzing with increased chatter about an imminent terrorist strike against the United States. Now, new intel points to a Philippine-based organization that has just kidnapped a dozen American missionaries.

Hal Brognola calls in Mack Bolan with a threefold mission: capture the terrorist leader and extract more information by any means, free the missionaries, and stop whatever hell is about to be unleashed on innocent Americans. Bolan's got solid support, but the enemy remains elusive, as does the bigger picture...until the Executioner's relentless assault exposes a grand conspiracy as grim as it is all too likely: a mastermind pulling the strings of global terror for profit...

Book 102

Lethal Tribute

by Don Pendleton

Published 10 May 2005


Wiped out a century ago in India, the ancient Cult of Kali has been reborn. Organized, well-funded and with clandestine contacts in high places, these death worshippers have an agenda of serious destruction, backed by three stolen nuclear warheads from Pakistan.

Mack Bolan heads a covert U.S. probe to the subcontinent and uncovers a situation that borders on the supernatural: an army of invisible soldiers who kill swiftly and silently, at once unstoppable and unseen. But Bolan deals in facts, not fiction-and the high-tech secrets behind the mysterious cult of killers lead to a hardcore shakedown in the heart of Calcutta, where true evil awaits....

Book 103

Season of Slaughter

by Don Pendleton

Published 12 July 2005

Book 104

Point of Betrayal

by Don Pendleton

Published 1 September 2005


The former director of the CIA is assassinated in broad daylight on the streets of Pakistan, the opening act of a disaster show for America and the world. It's the kind of conspiracy that can only happen when madmen and conspirators get the money and power to play their hand with millions of innocent lives.

A soldier from Iraq's toppled regime is back for blood and glory, ready to light the fuse that will deliver a killing blow to the Middle East-but it's the United States that will take the ultimate fall. Up against traitors, terrorists and impossible odds, Mack Bolan races to pull America's future out of the crosshairs of a violent enemy.

Book 105

Ballistic Force

by Don Pendleton

Published 8 November 2005

A raid on Korean gang activity in California takes a dangerous turn into a world crisis, when Mack Bolan uncovers intelligence involving North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

A group of high-level defectors from the Project Kanggye Nuclear Team- scientists with first-hand knowledge of North Korean missile strike capabilities-is being systematically abducted back to their homeland.

Unable to stop the kidnappers before they complete their mission, Bolan and elite Stony Man team members track the enemy to the Changchon Mountains, where North Korea's despotic leader is about to achieve pre-emptive strike capability with enough hidden nuclear warheads to sprout mushroom clouds all across America.

Book 106


by Don Pendleton

Published 10 January 2006

State of Terror

Mack Bolan hits the streets of Tehran, looking for a renegade former Soviet weapons expert who sold out to the terror business –a man who knows the hiding places of the toppled Iraqi dictator's arsenal of biological and chemical agents. But the stakes get higher when Bolan makes the grim connection between the deadly weapons and individuals double-dealing in death. Those paid to hide the cache are now reselling everything, from bubonic plague to sarin gas, to any terrorists with enough cash. In a world held hostage by the madness of a few, Bolan stands determined to fi ght as long as he's alive to keep the balance of power in the hands of the good… and hope it's enough to make a difference.

Book 108

Path to War

by Don Pendleton

Published 9 May 2006

Stomping Grounds

War for sole ownership of blood-soaked Angola has begun, but now the ruthless shadow hand is a cabal of former CIA-DOD top operatives calling themselves Phoenix Consortium. Backed by millions in stolen black funds, the goal is a new world order, gained by control of the world's oil and diamond monopolies. It's a despotic vision that requires partnerships in the right places: the North Koreans willing to trade suitcase nukes for a piece of the new world order; Arab fanatics willing to buy into any kind of war that guarantees spilled American blood; and an army of former special ops mercs with no loyalties. It's an agenda of human savagery at its worst, unleashed by traitors to the country they pledged to serve. And it deserves nothing less than justice at the hands of Mack Bolan.

Book 109

Blood Dynasty

by Don Pendleton

Published 11 July 2006

Book 110

Ultimate Stakes

by Don Pendleton

Published 12 September 2006

Book 112

Force Lines

by Don Pendleton

Published 9 January 2007


The most dangerous enemies are the unseen, and Mack Bolan's instincts are kicking in, alerting him to a horrific conspiracy so deep within the U.S. government that invisible spooks with unlimited power will never be held accountable for the atrocities they unleash. One conspiracy wrapped in another: an Armageddon group called Sons of Revelation, a man-made plague set to be released in south Florida, and rumors of terror imports from the home team. It's treason, betrayal of the highest order, an act of savagery that will not go unchallenged-at whatever price Bolan may have to pay. Judgment Day is now, for patriots willing to sell out their nation for greed and twisted ambition.

Book 113

Contagion Option

by Don Pendleton

Published 1 March 2007


Mack Bolan finds himself in a brutal war with a deadly international cartel that has been operating in secret for years. A terrorist group armed with nerve gas from one of America's largest bioweapons caches has set the stage for an endgame that could consign an entire city of innocents to an agonizing death. Bolan is surprised to learn that the containers were made in the U.S., but according to Stony Man records, they were destroyed in Utah more than four decades earlier. The trail leads the Executioner to Asia and back to Salt Lake City, where one false move, one stray shot could unleash a lethal cloud on a city of millions.

Book 115

War Drums

by Don Pendleton

Published 1 July 2007


Mack Bolan is directed to use any means necessary to defuse a crisis that puts the United States in the hot seat. Iran's hardliners are pushing an extremist agenda, defying U.N. rulings and amassing an arsenal with bio and nuclear capabilities. They've got stolen U.S. technology and unlimited financial backing from China, who's willing to lend muscle in exchange for oil. With Russian black-market weapons dealers eager to profit from international terror, the Stony Man warrior's multi-front mission becomes one of infiltrate and confront. He enlists the aid of Bedouin brothers-in-arms and other unlikely allies across enemy territory in a race to shut down an explosive situation before the deadly fuse is lit….

Book 116

Ripple Effect

by Don Pendleton

Published 1 September 2007

When the military career of a top notch Green Beret is terminated by a raw deal, the soldier turns mercenary to spill blood for profit. Now he's cast his lot with terrorists and organized crime, knowing there's big money working for those fueled by hatred and fanaticism.

And if it brings him some payback against the government that betrayed him- all the sweeter. Mack Bolan not only understands the mind-set of a well-trained soldier, he can play it to his advantage. But he's got less than 24 hours to rattle Vancouver's Triads in hopes of shaking loose their prized American gun for hire- because the mercenary has a suitcase full of death, and the incentive to make sure it reaches its final destination across the U.S. border.

Book 117

Devil's Playground

by Don Pendleton

Published 1 November 2007

Warrior State

When Emilio Brujillo, governor of Mexico's Guerro state, finds himself under siege by the Juarez cartel, he turns to the U.S. for help against one of the most brutal narcotraficante organizations. Working undercover to stem the escalating violence, Mack Bolan is surrounded by corrupt military officials, Russian organized crime and a renegade cult that engages in ritual sacrifice. But the deadliest threat that Bolan faces is the seductive governor's wife, who is also the secret leader of a Santeria cult. Anibella Brujillo is leaking information on Bolan's activities to the enemy while playing her husband, her government and its people with skill and cunning. Mack Bolan is willing to swallow the lady's bait, see where it leads...especially if its straight to the darkest hellholes of human depravity.

Book 118

The Killing Rule

by Don Pendleton

Published 1 January 2008