Book 11

Water Power

by Ian Graham

Published 30 June 1998
Examines the historical uses of water as a source of energy, the advantages and disadvantages, and new advances in harnessing water power.

Book 12

Fossil Fuels

by Ian Graham

Published 30 September 1998
Giving information about the energy around us, this book on fossil fuels looks at how we burn coal, oil and gas to create electricity. It shows where we can look for new sources of energy and how we can limit the damage to the environment. Case studies focus on specific examples. Fact boxes provide information and statistics. Both the modern and industrial world are used as examples.

Book 31

Wind Power

by Ian Graham

Published 30 September 1998
Giving information about the energy around us, this book on wind power looks at the most up-to-date advances in technology to harness the energy of winds to power turbines. It also demonstrates how windmills pump water; grind grain; power ships; and supply us with electricity. It shows where we can look for new sources of energy and how we can limit the damage to the environment. Case studies focus on specific examples and fact boxes provide information and statistics on both the modern and indust world.

Solar Power

by Ian Graham and Ed Catherall

Published 30 June 1998
Solar Power looks at turning sunlight into electricity; heating homes as the ancient Romans did; powering space probes and Mars landers; cars that run on sunlight not petrol; and using energy without damage to the environment.

Geothermal and Bio-energy

by Ian Graham

Published 30 November 1998
"Geothermals and Bioenergy" looks at producing power from the natural heat of rocks, creating energy from plants, bacteria and household waste, harnessing the energy of volcanoes and geysers, re-placing trees cut down for firewood and using energy without damage to the environment.

Fossil Fuels

by Ian Graham

Published 17 May 2001
This book explains how fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil are burned to make electricity. It shows how pollution from fossil fuels can be controlled.

Nuclear Power

by Ian Graham

Published 30 November 1998
"Nuclear Power" looks at: releasing the atomic energy of uranium, turning atomic energy into electricity, the harmful effects of nuclear radiation, storing nuclear wastes safely and creating nuclear power from 'heavy water'.

Solar Power

by Ian Graham

Published 1 November 1999
Examines solar energy, its history, uses, advantages and disadvantages, and new developments in the field.

Geothermal and Bio-Energy

by Ian Graham

Published 1 January 1999
Defines geothermal and bio energies, and explains their advantages and disadvantages.

Nuclear Power

by Ian Graham

Published 1 January 1999
Discusses how nuclear power is generated and the history of its use and examines both its potential benefits and possible hazards.

Wind Power

by Ian Graham

Published 17 May 2001
"Wind Power" looks at how we can harness the energy of winds; wind turbines that grind corn and pump water; wind-powered ocean oil tankers; how wind power can supply a firth of our energy needs; and using energy without damage to the environment.

Water Power

by Ian Graham

Published 17 May 2001
"Water Power" looks at harnessing the energy of rivers and seas; how dams create electricity; tapping the warmth of the oceans; using 'low technology' to provide energy in developing countries; and using energy without damaging the environment.