Greek and Roman Medicine

by Ian Dawson

Published 10 May 2005
This series looks at the medical contributions and advances made over the centuries. Each book evaluates the major medical issues of the time and the key individuals who pushed medical knowledge into new territory. In this title, readers can discover how important Hippocrates and Galen were, how influential the gods were, how the Greek and Roman doctors tried to heal the sick, how successful surgical procedures were and whether the Romans really were so clean and healthy.

Renaissance Medicine

by Ian Dawson

Published 9 June 2005
This series looks at the medical contributions and advances made over the centuries, from prehistoric times to the present day. Each book evaluates the major medical issues of the time and the key individuals who pushed medical knowledge into new territory. In this title, readers can discover how printing influenced the spread of medical ideas, how physicians and surgeons were trained, how dissections were carried out, how trade brought new medicines to Europe and how individuals made important new medical discoveries.

This series looks at the medical contributions and advances made over the centuries, from prehistoric times to the present day. Each book evaluates the major medical issues of the time and the key individuals who pushed medical knowledge into new territory. In this title, readers can discover how hunter-gathering peoples treated everyday illnesses and broken bones, what the skeletons of early people can tell us about the diseases they suffered from, the influence of medicine men in Native American and Aboriginal societies, Ancient Egyptian beliefs about illness and the human body, and the effectiveness of their herbal remedies.

Medicine in the Middle Ages

by Ian Dawson

Published 1 September 2005

This series looks at the medical contributions and advances made over the centuries, from prehistoric times to the present day. Each book evaluates the major medical issues of the time and the key individuals who pushed medical knowledge into new territory. In this title, readers can discover what 'herbals' were, how the sick were treated, how effective surgery was, the devastating impact the Black Death had throughout Europe and the beginning of new ideas on medical treatment.