The Pirate and the Pig

by Frank Rodgers

Published 29 February 1996

The Bunk-Bed Bus

by Frank Rodgers

Published 31 August 1989
Everything in Janet and Sam's house was old, but Grannie decides to make new bunk beds. When snooty Mrs Grimly-Whyte shows her a painting she's entering in the art exhibition, Grannie builds a bunk-bed bus to enter as a piece of sculpture.

A is for Aaargh!

by Frank Rodgers

Published 27 April 1989
How spooky can the alphabet get? Miss Snitchell thinks she knows how to deal with little horrors. But she's never met Class Three - the worst class in school. They think they're in charge of the alphabet exercise - until they reach 'U', when sweet, gentle Miss Snitchell really teaches them a lesson!

B. is for Book!

by Frank Rodgers

Published 25 June 1992

Can Piggles Do it?

by Frank Rodgers

Published 28 February 1991

The Ship-shape Shop

by Frank Rodgers

Published 24 June 1993

A boy with a big imagination learns to overcome his fear of scary creatures.