Book 1

Dark Eyes

by Nicholas Briggs

Published November 2012
The Doctor is looking for hope. But instead, he finds himself on a mission. The Time Lords have uncovered terrifying fragments of an insane plot to destroy the universe. And somehow, at the centre of that plot is one, random female in Earth's history, Molly O'Sullivan. Part 1. The...Read more

Book 1.1


by Matt Fitton

Published 31 August 2016
David Tennant and Catherine Tate arrive at Big Finish for brand new adventures as The Doctor and Donna Noble! When the Doctor and Donna visit London's Technology Museum for a glimpse into the future, things don't go to plan. The most brilliant IT brain in the country can't use...Read more

Book 2

Dark Eyes 2

by Nicholas Briggs, Alan Barnes, and Matt Fitton

Published February 2014
1. The Traitor. Nixyce VII is under Dalek occupation. For many, the only hope of survival is decent medical care, as slave working conditions are appalling. But when you help people to survive under the rule of the Daleks, are you actually helping the Daleks? 2. The White Room....Read more

Book 3

Dark Eyes 3

by Matt Fitton

Published 30 November 2014
A new full cast adventure for the Eighth Doctor In his quest for universal domination, the Master plans to exploit the terrifying Infinite Warriors of the mysterious Eminence. The Doctor's friend, Molly, is key to that plan's execution, and now, aided by corrupted genius Sally Armstrong, the Master is...Read more

Book 3

Doom Coalition

by John Dorney and Matt Fitton

Published 31 October 2016
The Doctor has been disposed of, and the end of the universe is nigh. There will only be one winner, but how many will lose? 4.1 Ship in a Bottle by John Dorney. The Doctor, Liv and Helen are hurtling into a future that has been utterly destroyed, trapped...Read more

Book 16

Storm Warning

by Alan Barnes

Published 30 January 2001

Book 33


by Alan Barnes

Published 1 July 2002

Book 114

Brotherhood of the Daleks

by Alan Barnes

Published 30 October 2008
The Doctor and Charley step out of the TARDIS into an alien jungle, where they find themselves stalked and then ambushed. They have landed in the middle of a Dalek war, and this time the tactics used by both sides threaten the very nature of reality...

Book 124

Patient Zero

by Nicholas Briggs

Published 31 August 2009
The Sixth Doctor challenges Charlotte Pollard to tell him the truth. What is she doing in the TARDIS? Meanwhile, the Daleks have travelled back in time, seeking the ultimate victory they crave. Who is Patient Zero? And what has happened to Charley?

Book 150

Book 163

Black and White

by Matt Fitton

Published 31 August 2012

Book 169

The Wrong Doctors

by Matt Fitton

Published 31 January 2013

Book 176

Starlight Robbery

by Matt Fitton

Published 31 August 2013
In search of sinister alien technology, the Doctor, Klein and Will target an illicit intergalactic arms fair run by an old acquaintance, the slippery Garundel. But can they pull off an audacious heist under the noses of the ever-belligerent Sontarans?


by Matt Fitton

Published 28 February 2015
Still looking for a way out of E-Space, the TARDIS crashes to Isenfel - a realm of snow and ice. Snarling beasts stalk the frozen plains, a feisty princess leads the hunt, and a queen in an ice palace rules over her loyal subjects. But this is no fairytale...Read more

Signs and Wonders

by Matt Fitton

Published 30 September 2014

A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor as played by Matt Smith
in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television

"The Sunlight Worlds Offer You A Life of Comfort and Plenty. Apply now at the Dalek Foundation."

Sunlight 349 is one of countless Dalek Foundation worlds, planets created to house billions suffering...

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Return of the Daleks

by Nicholas Briggs

Published 31 December 2007
We had to erase the past. Change everything. But even though it's been centuries our hearts, none of us feels truly safe. I think, even if our people were to survive until the end of time itself, we would still fear the return of the Daleks.

The brand new Year Three comic adventures of the critically acclaimed Twelfth Doctor, played by Peter Capaldi, along with companion Bill Potts!

In Bill's first comic adventure, the TARDIS crashes into the heart of a Viking camp! But this is no interactive history lesson, and it seems that...Read more