Collins Big Cat
3 total works
Find out about the animals that ruled the sea, land and skies from before the time of the dinosaurs until humans appeared. Evolution – the story of changing life on Earth – is uncovered through examining fossils and remains, from dinosaur poo to shells to deep-frozen mammoths.
- Diamond/Band 17 books offer more complex, underlying themes to give opportunities for children to understand causes and points of view.
- Text type: An information book
- Curriculum links: Science
If we go into hospital today, we know anaesthetics, antibiotics and antiseptics will be used to make the visit as pain-free and safe as possible. But how were they discovered, and what were operations like before they were used? This fact-filled information book looks at the journey surgery has made, from its early days to modern hospitals.
- Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction.
- Text type: An information book.
- Curriculum links: Science; History.
- This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
From dogs and cats to stick insects and sea monkeys, there are many types of pet. Which one is right for you?
- Purple/ Band 8 books offer developing readers literary language, with some challenging vocabulary.
- Text type - information book.
- This non-fiction report includes a glossary and index on page 21, as well as a summary on pages 22-23 that allows the reader to look back at all the pets' needs.
- Curriculum links - Science: 'Pupils should be taught to ... identify and name a variety of common animals'.