Book 373

The Bride Thief

by Susan Spencer Paul

Published 1 July 1997


Isabelle Gaillard had learned that the hard way when Sir Justin Baldwin had whisked her away bodily under cover of a moonless night. Now, though he'd been promised to another, she was his new-bound bride. Yet could she ever trust such a thief of hearts?

When Justin Baldwin brought Isabelle Gaillard to his keep, he thought his life settled and complete. But the heiress whom he'd rejected to follow his heart had now returned, throwing his ordered world into disarray - and his one true love into danger!

Book 408


by Susan Spencer Paul

Published 1 April 1998

Lady Lillian Walford Had The Look Of Perfection

Yet a fateful flaw doomed her to a life of silence. And although Anthony Harbreas, the gallant Earl of Graydon, had showered her with his attention, Lillian knew she was fit to be no man's wife. So why had the much-sought-after earl asked her to be his true-bound bride?

Tricked by her brother into marriage with the lovely Lillian, Anthony was quick to realize his incredible luck. For he knew that beneath the surface of her quiet beauty, Lillian was a priceless jewel. And he was determined to convince his innocent wife of her true worth and their golden future.

Book 535

The Stolen Bride

by Susan Spencer Paul

Published 7 November 2000

'Twas Midsummer Night-when magic held sway...

and Sofia Ahlgren dreamed of a deliverer to safeguard her from a blackhearted lord. Then, through the bonfires appeared Kayne the Unknown, who vowed to protect her, even at the cost of his very soul...!

Though the dark raged within him, Mistress Sofia was his light. She alone made Kayne feel something of grace and innocence, blurring memories of war and bloodshed that haunted the depths of his being. But the bliss found under a summer moon could ne'er last forever, for keeping his beloved safe would mean a return to the heart of darkness that lay within him.

Book 587

The Prisoner Bride

by Susan Spencer Paul

Published 1 December 2001

All Women Just Naturally Loved Him-

at least until now, Kiernan FitzAllen noted, bemused. Mistress Glenys Seymour seemed immune to his roguish charms. Granted, he had kidnapped her, which could be somewhat off-putting. But ensorcellment had to be afoot for such a master thief to be so completely enchanted by this very practical maiden fair!

Were she truly able to cast a spell, Glenys Seymour would whisk away any trace of the confusing yet compelling passion she felt for Kiernan FitzAllen. The man was an outlaw, an adventurer, a roue-and yet the fabled Chosen One who would help her gain her secret heart's desire!