The Winter Garden

by Robert Pearson

Published 24 September 1987
This explains how to make the best use of the trees, shrubs, conifers and herbaceous perennials and bulbs that come into their own in winter. It aims to show the gardener how to create a winter prospect as exciting as the traditional summer displays. Horticultural advice is given together with illustrations. It deals with creating effects; use of trees and larger conifers, shrubs and climbers, heaths and smaller conifers, perennials of consequence and choosing the best bulbs. Also included is a list of gardens to visit and a full plant index.

This book shows the reader how to make a real garden in even the smallest space be it patio or backyard, or just a wall or fence. It shows how to maximize colour, shape and texture from a minimum of plants. The plants covered include conifers and trees, roses, shrubs, bulbs, perennials, annuals and biennials, raised beds, pots and containers, even vegetables and fruit.