A Peep behind the Scenes

by O F Walton

Published 1 January 2007

When the children run past the little caravan with it's brightly painted doors they sigh with envy. They would love to live in a caravan and spend all their time at the fairground. But they don't know what it's like behind the scenes. Rosalie who lives in the caravan knows that her life is not pretty or exciting. Life is very hard for Rosalie with a sick mother and a selfish father, she has to work late as part of the acting company.

One day Rosalie and her mother meet a stranger who tells them there is more to life and gives them a picture of a shepherd holding a lamb. He tells them of the great love of Jesus who longs to look after Rosalie just as a shepherd looks after his lambs.

Find out what the future holds for Rosalie. Will she trust in God? Will she find a real home? Find out for yourself as O. F. Walton gives you A Peep Behind the Scenes.

Saved At Sea

by O F Walton

Published 20 March 2007

The waves are rising and the ship is on the rocks. Alick and his grandfather set out in their boat to save as many lives as they can... but this time they only come back with one. A little girl is thrown overboard moments before a huge wave sweeps the wreck away. Who is she? Where are her parents? What are they going to do?

As the storm disappears on the horizon, the little mystery girl touches the hearts of some very lonely people. Another stranger arrives on the island and Alick finds out that there is a rock that you can depend on in life, whatever the storms throw at you. Jesus Christ will always be there - an anchor, a fortress, stronger than a lighthouse on the rocks, stronger even than death!

Little Faith

by O F Walton

Published 1 January 2001

Little Faith is the story of a young orphan girl brought up by a Christian couple. When Faith's adoptive mother dies her father's mother moves in to look after the family. But Granny resents Faith as she sees her as an outsider and an intruder in the family. Granny is violent, drunk and lazy and strikes out at Faith's father by telling him he should get rid of Faith, 'She has no right to the families share of the money.'

Faith, takes this very hard and runs away to find a job as a servant girl. At first she has no success in job hunting but one day she goes into a church where there is a service going on. The minister reads out the verse, 'O ye of little faith, wherefore do you doubt.' Faith hears the words, 'Little faith wherefore do you doubt.' Faith had been feeling that God didn't care about her but now she believes that these words were a direct message from God to her. She now knows that God does care about her.

A lady in the church eventually gives Faith a job as a servant in her household. Some time later Faith decides to return to her family but she finds that the grandmother has died and the family has moved. Faith sets out to try and find them. One day she sees her father in the distance and runs to catch up with him. A family reunion takes place and Little Faith is finally home where she was meant to be.

Christie's Old Organ

by O F Walton

Published 31 May 1998

Christie has no family. He knows what it is like to be homeless and on the streets - that's why he is overjoyed to be given a roof over his head by Old Treffy, the Organ Grinder. But Treffy is old and sick and Christie is worried about him. All that Treffy wants is to have peace in his heart and a home of his own. That is what Christie wants too.

One day a girl called Mabel hears Christie's Old Organ playing just outside her window. She becomes Christie's friend and tells him about another home you can go to if you love the Lord Jesus.

Will Christie find this home? Will he ever have a family of his own? Let O. F. Walton tell you Christie's story.