Book 21

Louis Riel

by Sharon Stewart

Published 1 January 2007

Book 31

Harriet Tubman

by Rosemary Sadlier

Published 1 January 2012
Born in the United States and enslaved as a child, Harriet Tubman (circa 1820-1913) is one of the best-known figures connected to the Underground Railroad. Her success encouraged enslaved Africans to make the brave break for freedom and reinforced the belief held by abolitionists in the potential of black...Read more

Book 48

Simon Girty

by Edward Butts

Published 1 January 2011
During the American Revolution and the border conflicts that followed, Simon Girty's name struck terror into the hearts of U.S. settlers in the Ohio Valley and the territory of Kentucky. Girty (1741-1818) had lived with the Natives most of his life. Scorned by his fellow white frontiersmen as an...Read more